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Q: How can the polio virus kill you?
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Which microorganism causes polio?

Polio is caused by a virus, the poliovirus. It belongs to the genus Enterovirus, which is a group of RNA viruses.

Can cold water cause polio?

No, it takes the polio virus to cause polio. The polio virus can be defeated by having a polio vaccination.

What virus causes polio?

yes polio is caused by a virus

What is causative agent of polio?

Poliomyletis virus

What is Polio and how does kill people?

Polio is a disease caused by a virus. It causes paralysis in the muscles. If it affects the muscles of the chest, it can prevent breathing and the individual suffocates.

Is polio virus a microorganism?

Microorganism means very small sized organism. It can not be seen with naked eye. You have to use microscopes to see it. Polio virus is a virus. Virus are too small as compared to other microorganisms. So polio virus is included in the category of the microorganisms.

What is the infecting pathogen for polio?

polio virus

What is causes polio?

Polio is caused by a virus.

Is polio an active or hidden virus?

Im pretty sure polio is a hidden virus

Is polio a virus or bacteria?

The organism that causes polio is a virus.

How long can it take for polio symptoms to show?

Type your answer here... Yes you can i did and now i have Post polio syndrome and i have no help from any department.What does a man do after he has worked his life away and lost everything to get help from a doctors.

What organisms cause polio?

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