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Education! Education! Education! I think parents and society as a whole should be educated on abuse, to learn and explore from a victims point of view and explore what drives perpertrators. There is lots of parent information on the NSPCC website or CHILDLINE 0800 1111, you don't need to be a child to phone child line, you can be any age if you are concerned about any issue to do with abuse. Hope this is helpful.

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Children can be abused mentally, physically, sexually and verbally.

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children safe centers

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Q: How can street children be prevented?
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The Children of Theatre Street was created on 1977-05-09.

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Statistic's show that 73% of Street Children of Brazil are employed by game developers 'Treyarch'.

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The Children of Theatre Street - 1977 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G USA:G