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You can order test online and get your results without anything added to your permanent medical record. Most places seem to be discreet and can have your results within a couple days.

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Q: How can someone take an HIV test anonymously?
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How does someone get diagnosed with HIV?

By taking an hiv test

Can one contract HIV by having intercourse with a person who is not HIV positive?

It is possible to have a false negative HIV test, particuarly early in infection with HIV. If a partner has a true negative HIV test, it's not possible to get HIV from them.

When does someone have an HIV diagnosis?

As soon as they test positive for the HIV virus.

What information is gained from hiv testing?

HIV testing allows a person to know their HIV status and take appropriate health measures. Someone with a positive HIV test can start early treatment, for instance, and reduce the risk of transmission to others.

How do prevent HIV?

You can prevent HIV by using condoms and tell your partner to go see a Clinic and take the HIV -antibody test.

How can you tell if someone is infected with AIDS?

You can't, you can't. Be clear on this; you CANNOT tell. Don't let anyone fool you into thinking there is some kind of "method". Even if you ask and the person answers honestly, you cannot tell. Very few HIV+ people become infected intentionally, so that they know instantly when they should start answering the question "yes". Be cautious and remain safe. You can't do a "re-take" after becoming HIV+. See link to left. First things first: IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BECOME INFECTED WITH AIDS. AIDS is simply a syndrome that develops as a result of advanced HIV infection. The only way to tell if someone is infected with HIV is for him, or her, to take an HIV test .. and the only way for you to tell if you are infected with HIV is for you to take an HIV test.

What does a reactive HIV test mean?

It means that the test was positive for HIV.

When you take a normal drug test for emplyment will HIV show up?

HIV is a sexually transmitted disease, therefore it would not show up in a routine drug test.

Does the HBsAG test for HIV?

No, HBV testing does not test for HIV.

Can someone see if a person is infected with HIV?

no u can't. take them to the doctor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is non reactive HIV test result?

Negative result. Take the Western Blot to confirm. A non reactive HIV test is a negative HIV test. There is no reason to confirm this with a Western Blot. Western Blots are only used to confirm a positive ELISA.

How many months to take it to hiv blood test?

Wait 3 months after exposure to test for the virus.