

Best Answer
Well obviously it is Atlantic and Pacific. Because no other Oceans touch all you have to do is look at a map and look around south america....

Well obviously it is Atlantic and Pacific. Because no other Oceans touch all you have to do is look at a map and look around south america....
Well obviously it is Atlantic and Pacific. Because no other Oceans touch all you have to do is look at a map and look around south america....

Well obviously it is Atlantic and Pacific. Because no other Oceans touch all you have to do is look at a map and look around south america....
Well obviously it is Atlantic and Pacific. Because no other Oceans touch all you have to do is look at a map and look around south america....

Well obviously it is Atlantic and Pacific. Because no other Oceans touch all you have to do is look at a map and look around south america....
Well obviously it is Atlantic and Pacific. Because no other Oceans touch all you have to do is look at a map and look around south america....

Well obviously it is Atlantic and Pacific. Because no other Oceans touch all you have to do is look at a map and look around south america....
Well obviously it is Atlantic and Pacific. Because no other Oceans touch all you have to do is look at a map and look around south america....

Well obviously it is Atlantic and Pacific. Because no other Oceans touch all you have to do is look at a map and look around south america....
Well obviously it is Atlantic and Pacific. Because no other Oceans touch all you have to do is look at a map and look around south america....

Well obviously it is Atlantic and Pacific. Because no other Oceans touch all you have to do is look at a map and look around south america....
Well obviously it is Atlantic and Pacific. Because no other Oceans touch all you have to do is look at a map and look around south america....

Well obviously it is Atlantic and Pacific. Because no other Oceans touch all you have to do is look at a map and look around south america....
Well obviously it is Atlantic and Pacific. Because no other Oceans touch all you have to do is look at a map and look around south america....

Well obviously it is Atlantic and Pacific. Because no other Oceans touch all you have to do is look at a map and look around south america....
Well obviously it is Atlantic and Pacific. Because no other Oceans touch all you have to do is look at a map and look around south america....

Well obviously it is Atlantic and Pacific. Because no other Oceans touch all you have to do is look at a map and look around south america....
Well obviously it is Atlantic and Pacific. Because no other Oceans touch all you have to do is look at a map and look around south america....

Well obviously it is Atlantic and Pacific. Because no other Oceans touch all you have to do is look at a map and look around south america....
Well obviously it is Atlantic and Pacific. Because no other Oceans touch all you have to do is look at a map and look around south america....

Well obviously it is Atlantic and Pacific. Because no other Oceans touch all you have to do is look at a map and look around south america....W H A T T H E S H I T?
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14y ago
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12y ago

Very dangerous! Deadly! I'm not trying to scare you but check with your doctor smoking while pregnant can cause death and ADHD

Additional Answer: First of all yes it can be dangerous to smoke during pregnancy, however it will not kill the fetus or cause ADHD. The problem of having a child with ADHD is far to common than it should be. It can cause low birth weight and ear infections for problems. The ADHD is to commonly diagnosed in children how just don't get enough time outside to play, their characterised as hyper children who can't sit still and pay attention. What child can sit still and pay attention, their kids.

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Q: How can smoking during pregnancy affect fetal development?
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Can Gray Matter Heterotopia be caused by smoking during pregnancy?

There is no direct evidence linking smoking during pregnancy to Gray Matter Heterotopia. However, smoking during pregnancy has been associated with various adverse effects on fetal brain development and overall health. More research is needed to determine any potential links between smoking during pregnancy and Gray Matter Heterotopia.

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yes, most definetly. it's extremely dangerous for the baby during and after pregnancy.

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No it can not.

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Pretty much any kind of drug smoking or alcohol will affect your baby during pregnancy and breast feeding

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Anticoagulants may cause many serious problems if taken during pregnancy. Birth defects, severe bleeding in the fetus, and other problems that affect the physical or mental development of the fetus or newborn are possible.

Does Smoking cigarettes during pregnancy make your baby fuzzy?

Fuzzy as in hairy? No it does not.

What factors can have a prenatal influence on dental development?

Environmental factors like infections, drugs and exposures to radiation

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THC (aka - cannabis) has been shown to affect fetal growth; recent studies have also indicated that THC may cause fetal malformations. It is best that an expectant mother not smoke or ingest alcohol or any other toxic product.

Why should parents know about teratogens?

A teratogen is any environmental factor that can cause damage during prenatal development. An example of a teratogen would be tobacco or alcohol use during pregnancy. Teratogens can cause birth defects, early labor, miscarriages, etc. So it important that parents are aware that smoking tobacco, alcohol use, drugs, etc. can affect their pregnancies.

Can clotrimazole vaginal tabs affect pregnancy?

NO. They are very safe to use during pregnancy.

If the father smokes weed at time conception does it affect the baby?

I honestly don't think that would matter. That would not make a difference, but if it was the mother smoking during the pregnancy it would certainly affect the baby. Not during conception though. The father only shares the sperm, not blood. There's no way it would affect the baby.

Can you eat Walnut during pregnancy?

Yes, you can eat walnuts during pregnancy! Rather it is a good idea to eat walnut during pregnancy as they boost brain development and stave off nausea.