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because the less plaque on your teeth means less bacteria and less bacteria using the sugar on your teeth means less acid causing tooth decay

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Q: How can reducing the amount of plaque reduce tooth decay?
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Explain how reducing the amount of plaque can reduce tooth decay. use the leaflet to help you?

Reducing plaque is important because plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that forms on teeth. This bacteria feeds on sugars in the mouth and produces acid that can erode tooth enamel, leading to decay. By reducing plaque through proper oral hygiene like brushing and flossing, the amount of acid that can damage the teeth is minimized, hence reducing the risk of tooth decay.

Where does the acid that causes tooth decay come from and how can you prevent it?

Bacteria that populate the mouth metabolize simple carbohydrates (sugar) and produce the acid that causes tooth decay. Reducing the bacteria by effective and frequent brushing and flossing can reduce tooth decay. Limiting intake of sugar will also reduce decay. There is also a growing body of research that indicates xylitol as a sugar substitute may also be effective in reducing tooth decay.

Eating sugar in meal time helps reduce tooth decay?

Sugar is food for plaque-residing bacteria colonies. They convert the sugar into acid that corrodes toothenamel, causing tooth decay.

Is plaque the same as tooth decay?


What is plaque and how does it contribute on tooth decay?

your mom fat bith!

Is mouthwash important for your teeth?

This is what the ADA says: While some study results indicate the use of a mouth rinse can be as effective as flossing for reducing plaque between the teeth, the American Dental Association (ADA) recommends brushing twice a day and cleaning between the teeth with floss or interdental cleaners once each day to remove plaque from all tooth surfaces. Plaque is responsible for both tooth decay and gum disease. Regarding the studies, the authors concluded that in patients with mild to moderate gingivitis (early gum disease), rinsing twice a day with the antiseptic mouth rinse was as effective as flossing for reducing plaque and gingivitis between the teeth. The studies did not examine whether the mouth rinse had the same effect as floss on reducing tooth decay or periodontitis (advanced gum disease).

(now the caries equation:?

Sugar + Plaque = Acid + Tooth = Decay

Why does a alkaline toothpaste reduce decay?

Alkaline toothpaste helps to neutralize acids produced by bacteria in the mouth, which can contribute to tooth decay. It also helps to create an environment that is less favorable for the growth of decay-causing bacteria.

How many types of tooth decay is there?

There is Sugar Decay. The bacteria in your mouth create a substance called plaque when they feed on the sugar which creates an acid which makes a hole in your tooth, which the plaque then burrow down into to start an infection.

How can you remove plaque and make your teeth more resistant to decay?

brush your teeth

How do you get cavities?

Cavities are caused by the build up of plaque on your teeth. The plaque causes your teeth to decay which in turn blackens the tooth and causes pain in it.

Can head trauma cause long term tooth decay?

No, tooth decay is caused by bacterial plaque that produces acids which destroy the tooth enamel. Bacterial plaque results from inadequate oral hygiene (brushing and flossing).