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Q: How can psa levels be reduced?
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What kind of blood test show psa levels?

it is the PSA blood test that tests the blood for the level of PSA

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Where can one find information on the normal PSA levels by age?

The normal PSA levels by age may be found on the websites of large cancer organizations. The government sponsored NIH website has information about these levels.

What blood test is used to check for high psa levels?

The blood test used to check for high PSA levels is called a PSA test. PSA stands for prostate-specific antigen, and elevated levels may indicate potential issues with the prostate gland, such as prostate cancer. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider for interpretation of results and appropriate follow-up.

Can psa high levels indicate gallbladder infected instead of prostate cancer?

Absolutely not. Your WBC count would be elevated, among other things, but certainly not PSA levels.

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Why Normal PSA Levels In The Blood Can Change?

The prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a protein that is produced by the prostate gland. It is generated naturally in a small amount in healthy men. The protein is thought to be an essential part of human reproduction and serves several purposes. A normal PSA level in a healthy adult male is 4 nanograms per millimeter of blood. Normal PSA levels can change for a number of different reasons. The concentration of PSA in the blood has been found to rise when an individual has medical problems that affect the prostate. Specifically, prostate cancer can sometimes be detected by testing for PSA levels in the blood. Individuals who do have a higher than normal PSA level are usually scheduled to receive one or more additional tests that can include a rectal sonogram or a biopsy of the gland. These tests are intended to locate more conclusive signs of potential prostate cancer including the detection of cancerous cells in a biopsy. Normal PSA levels in men can become elevated for a number of reasons other than the presence of a medical condition or cancer. Conditions that affect other areas of the body can elevate levels artificially. One example is a liver inflammation that results from hepatitis. The size of the prostate can also result in higher PSA levels in the blood. Older men or men who have an enlarged prostate that is not related to a disease can show elevated levels despite having no related medical condition. The amount of PSA in the blood can be reduced by factors like diet or medication. This has resulted in some medical professionals who do not believe that PSA testing should be performed on healthy individuals because of the high number of false positives that can occur. A more accurate form of testing for normal PSA levels can be done by compiling the results of the tests over time. Temporary increases or reductions in the concentration of the protein can be disregarded if PSA levels remain relatively stable in previous tests. A good indication that an individual has prostate cancer is if PSA levels steadily increase every few months for a year or more. Individuals who have a PSA level of over 20 nanograms per millimeter of blood are normally checked for prostate cancer regardless of previous trends.

What do higher than normal PSA levels mean?

Elevated PSA levels can mean different things. It can point to a higher risk of cancer of the prostate or it could point to a more benign enlargement of the prostate. It is important to understand that prostate cancer can occur with normal PSA levels present. Your boyfriend should follow up with his physician to do more tests to determine what is causing the elevated PSA levels.

What are normal PSA levels?

A PSA level of 10 is a little high but it is still within a healthy range. A healthly PSA range is between 4 and 10. Anything lower or higher could be a problem.

What are some treatment options for elevated psa levels?

Elevated PSA levels may be an indication of prostate cancer or other prostate problems. Typically treatment would be surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and hormone therapy. Once the prostate problems are resolved the PSA level should decrease back to a normal level.

After a prostate surgery the PSA still rising can you still have cancer after prostate surgery?

If the PSA levels conitnue to rise that would indicate that some of the cancerous cells may have migrated from the diseased prostate gland prior to removal. Your MD or urologist will give you much more detailed info on this possibility.

What is PSA score range?

PSA or Prostate-specific antigen is a test that measures the blood level of the PSA which is a protein in the prostate gland. There is no specific normal range. In the past the normal range has been 4.0 ng/mL and lower. Since than doctors have noted patients with levels of 4.0 and below to have cancer while patients with high levels did not.