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Many sources agree that pet scans are effective in finding cancer. These scans are said to help determine the location of tumors and whether or not they have spread.

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Q: How can pet scans determine the location of a tumor?
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Can PET scans identify individuals with personality disorders?

Yes and no. PET scans can detect the deterioration of brain cells such as in Alzheimer's Disease, etc. PET scans can also show that the 2 chemicals in the brain are not balanced and therefore can cause a person to become depressed (many different forms of depression) but it is up to a psychiatrist to determine what type of depression the person has.

What does focal area of uptake mean?

Focal area of uptake refers to a concentrated accumulation of a substance, typically seen on medical imaging studies like PET scans. It can indicate an area of increased metabolic activity or abnormality, such as a tumor or infection. Further evaluation is often needed to determine the cause of the focal area of uptake.

How do you find brain damage?

several ways - CAT scans, PET scans, ECG scans...check it up with ur doctor

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Is attenuation correction thickness in a PET scan for length between slides or tumor thickness?

Attenuation correction in PET scans is actually aimed at accounting for the differences in the attenuation of the radiation signatures exhibited by different tissues because of the losses that materials impose on radiation passing through it. There are whole textbooks on this subject, and it is quite involved.

What are the advantages of Positron emission tomography?

PET scans can see inside the brain

How can doctors tell what area of the brain I'm using?

PET scans or fMRI scans can indicate which portions of the brain are active at given points in time.

What isotope is needed to locate a brain tumor?

Carbon-11 is often used in positron emission tomography (PET) scans to locate brain tumors. This isotope can be attached to a tracer substance that is injected into the bloodstream, allowing the PET scan to detect the accumulation of the tracer in areas with high metabolic activity, such as tumors in the brain.

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PET scans

What are two uses of radioisotypes?

Radiometric dating is a common use of radioisotopes to determine the age of rocks, fossils, and archaeological artifacts. Radioisotopes are also used in medicine, such as in imaging techniques like PET scans and in cancer therapy.

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The Daily Apple - 2006 Hearing Loss NAHB Lifewise Home PET and CT Scans was released on: USA: 19 January 2009

What is useful for viewing metabolic activity?

Tools such as positron emission tomography (PET) scans and fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) tracer can be useful for viewing metabolic activity in the body. These methods involve measuring the uptake of glucose, a marker of metabolic activity, in different tissues. PET scans can provide valuable information about the functioning of organs and tissues in the body.