You can go to the bathroom or put a rag that is warm over you upset stomach.
With kindness : )
upset stomach
Gripe Water. If burping doesn't help try our gripe water with ginger and fennel to help with infant gas relief.
I had an upset stomach. He upset me greatly.
Yes but gradually introduce them as it can upset the hamsters stomach, don't feed too much of it as it is meant for a treat and nothing else.
some time there are bad things in the food that make you stomach upset
From past experiences it has almost always upset my stomach in a bad way.
If you treat others badly, and get treated back in the same way, then you are upset. However, if you treat others nicely, then you get treated nice back and dont get upset. =)
Yes, I have safely used metronidazole for fish to treat my Jack Russell terriers for various protozoan and intestional ailments.
Heartburn is an acidic feeling in your chest, throat, maybe stomach area, while an upset stomach is only a pain or uncomfortable feeling in your stomach.
What is causing the upset stomach. If you are nauseas, cola or coke is good. So is ginger tea. Ginger ale is good for soothing an upset stomach
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