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If one is suffering from post nasal drip it can be very uncomfortable. Some things that can be done to reduce the symptoms are gargling with salt water, drink a lot of water, try taking a decongestant and try to remain in a humid environment.

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Q: How can one lessen the symptoms of post nasal drip?
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Can sinus post nasal drip coat vocal cords and effect voice sounds?

Yes, sinus post nasal drip can coat the vocal cords with excess mucus, leading to symptoms like hoarseness, throat clearing, and changes in vocal quality. This can affect voice sounds by causing them to sound raspy or strained. It's important to treat the underlying cause of the post nasal drip to help improve voice symptoms.

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Can post nasal drip cause sleep choking syndrome?

It is highly possible that post nasal drip can be affecting the way that you breathe hile you are sleeping. Post nasal drip can cause an obstruction and a blockage in your air passage way. It is also very likely that a person that has post nasal drip has sinus congestion which further obstructs the air passage ways. This can cause snoring and even sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a condition that occurs when you have difficulties breathing when you are sleeping. it can havea signficant impact on your life as it disrupts your sleep and can lead to serious health risks. You should treat your post nasal drip in order to avoid these problems. I know of two products that help treat post nasal drip- sinuswars2 and mucinex. There are probably many more, which your pharmacist should be able to help you with.

Why does my throat hurts?

There are many causes for lower throat pain. These causes can include Allergies, post nasal drip, or strep throat. If symptoms persist see a doctor.

Could post nasal drip cause a foul odor when you smell?

by a dog

What is post nasal drip?

Nose and throat glands continually produce one to two quarts of mucus a day. This moistens and cleans the nasal membranes, humidifies air, traps and clears inhaled foreign matter, and fights infection. Although mucus is usually swallowed unconsciously, the feeling that it is accumulating in the throat or dripping from the back of the nose is called post-nasal drip. Post-nasal drip can be caused by excessive or thick secretions by throat muscle or by swallowing disorders.

What creature gets stuck in your throat?

Google... "Post Nasal Drip" and "Tonsilloth" or "Tonsil Stones"

What is the best place to find post nasal drip treatment for children?

The best place to find post nasal drip treatment for children is the 'American Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. One can also talk to their GP to get referred to the correct specialist.

What causes crusting at the nostrils?

Crust at the nostril occurs when you have post-nasal drip. Post-nasal drip occurs when you have a common cold. There is usually a lot of phlegm, or mucus in your throat. So, when you sleep, mucus drips out of your nose, or boogers. They are wet when they come out, and harden as you sleep.

Why would you have a scab unrelated to injury or illness in your nose causing it to be very tender?

Post nasal drip can irritate the nasal lining and cause sores.

Pain behind ear with post nasal drip?

Your obviously sick...go to the doctor! end of story!