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  • Cardio exercise such as walking is one solution. What you eat is another solution. Make better food choices; avoid or strictly limit refined (processed) carbohydrates and junk food. (If you are unsure what constitutes a refined processed carbohydrate, you can view a list further down this page under Related Questions.) Physically active and healthy food choices are the solutions to obesity.
  • Yoga can be tried as a complimentary approach in treating obesity. You can effectively practice various yoga techniques to help reduce weight and achieve normal health. Freewind poses help reduce the fats near abdomen, hips and other areas. The regular practice of pranayam also helps burning fats. The yoga cleansing techniques are used to shun excess fats and toxin. Yoga practice along with yoga diet is equally important. Eliminate refined/processed carbohydrates and eat more raw vegetables, fruits help in balancing the intake of the food. As per yoga diet recommendation, over ripe fruits, meats, tobacco etc. are not good for body and mind thus should be avoided.
  • Drinking less beer, or quitting drinking altogether, will help you lose weight. No matter who or how good looking the drinker is, beer is bad for a number of reasons. The most obvious reason is the caloric content of beer. The less obvious reasons are the inflammation of the pancreas and liver and the bloating that often accompany the over-consumption of Alcoholic Beverages. This includes alcohol mixed with sweet and sugary liquids like soda.
  • Energy balance is an essential solution to obesity. Consume only the amount of calories and carbohydrates that you need for a healthy weight and a healthy body.
  • In addition, get your calories from healthy foods and consume the right type of carbohydrate. Overall, the causes of obesity are an imbalanced of calories in relation to expenditure (activity, exercise), insulin resistance, and too many refined processed carbohydrates. Refined processed carbohydrates are a major cause of weight gain, obesity, insulin resistance (syndrome X) diabetes and many diet related diseases. For further information, see related questions, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
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13y ago

How to cure obesity is a question that needs to be tailored to the individual, but briefly:

- Pay attention to your diet. Look at what you're eating. Substitute whole foods for processed, fresh foods for reconstituted, and prepare your own meals as much as you can. Eat more proteins and greens, less simple carbohydrates and sugars.

- Exercise. Even simple cardio workouts like an afternoon walk, if done daily, will help burn fat and reduce obesity.

- Improve your knowledge. There are hundreds of books and some really good websites out there that will educate you.

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13y ago

Obesity can be stopped or reversed by some very simple steps.

Firstly, contact a doctor or obesity specialist about your condition and see what their recommendations are. You may have underlying medical conditions or genetics that will change how you address your obesity.

Secondly, get out some books from a library and start educating yourself on nutrition. Essentially, you want to lower your caloric intake, decrease the amount of processed food you eat, and make sure you get enough water and nutrients.

Finally, start some exercise! Even a program of gentle cardio like walking, running or swimming will help burn fat and keep your metabolism ticking over.

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13y ago

Obesity can't be solved by a quick solution, but it can be helped. People hate to hear it, but a healthier diet and a moderate amount of exercise WILL work. It is difficult and it takes a lot of time, but that is the answer. Support from a doctor, friends, and online buddies are also great steps.

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12y ago

Obesity can be solved by awareness. Parents need to become aware that obesity usually starts with children. Then parents need to act on it, they need to take control and not take their children out to fast food all the time. The parents need to start cooking healthy meals for their children. The parents need to monitor the amount of time their children watch television and play Video Games. The parents can solve obesity if they just start becoming aware.

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12y ago

Obesity treatment methods include:

  • Modifications in diet
  • Exercise and physical activity
  • Behaviour change
  • Weight-loss medication prescriptions (Not OTC medicines)
  • Weight-loss surgery (gastric bypass, stapling or others)
  • Liposuction

Obesity Treatment depends on how obese you are, your overall health status, and motivation to lose weight. It is also necessary to see if any other metabolic diseases like hypertension, Diabetes, Heart disease etc are also present.

A proper mix of diet, exercise, lifestyle modification, behavior modification may be employed as the method of obesity treatment. In some extreme cases of severe obesity, gastrointestinal surgery or liposuction may be necessary.

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13y ago

it depends. Because sometimes if you eat to much you will get fat, but sometimes you are naturally born that way and you can't do anything about it.

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12y ago

exercise and dont eat

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Bariatric medicine is the study of obesity and the treatment of obesity. It often includes the treatment options, related conditions stemming from obesity, the genetics involved in obesity and the symptoms of obesity and related conditions.

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Noun. Obesity is a thing.

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Is obesity a proper noun?

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Is obesity a noun?

... yes, it's the state of being (obese) -adjective, so obesity is a noun Yes. Obesity is a noun.