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That depends. Milder cases of autism or Asperger's Syndrome are usually more difficult to detect. A person with a mild case might seem typical most of the time and just a bit eccentric in some situations. However, depending on the traits, a mild case might be easily noticed. For example, while most of the signs of Asperger's Syndrome could be very mild, if one of the traits that the person has is echolalia (repeating heard words), that trait will stand out.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Given the symptoms you listed, included below, yes, you could have Asperger's Syndrome. You would need to see a specialist for a formal diagnosis. Adults with Asperger's Syndrome sometimes find ways to adapt to the difficulties of Asperger's Syndrome, so they might seem to grow out of it, but stress or being in a situation in which they cannot use their adaptations can cause the symptoms again.

One researcher who focused on girls with Asperger's Syndrome hypothesized that some of the ways Asperger's Syndrome manifests in some of them is by being quiet and often labeled as shy, daydreaming frequently, being able to make one or two close friends but not being very social, having special interests or "obsessions" that do not draw attention, and not necessarily appearing as "nerdy".

The symptoms that would seem to indicate or contraindicate Asperger's Syndrome:

I am a female and here are some reasons why I think I might have AS

- I have always found group social interaction confusing and hard.

- I have always found eye contact hard and distractive when talking to someone, but that is only sometimes, I have absolutely no trouble with making eye contact with my parents and very close friends.

- I have noticed that after a long day of trying to socialize with people I get a huge headache around the front part of my head. (But I don't know if that has anything to do with that) I also daydream and kind of "zone out" and go off into my own world every few minutes, when I am with people, I also get very drained during social discussions and need to be alone for a couple of minutes and then get back to people. (People find it very strange when I do that and they think that I am upset or sad, when I am not upset or sad at all, I just need a break.) People always tell me that I am a very quiet person.

- I usually do not get sarcasm, when I was in primary school I didn't get sarcasm but as I watched people I learned about sarcasm and now I understand the frazes that I have learned. I am in high school now and when I hear people talk I usually do recognise when they are being sarcastic, but it takes me a long time to figure it out.

- I prefer not to socialize in big groups, and I prefer to talk to one or two good friends, but I am comfortable with going shopping, I don't feel nervous at all. I used to hate shopping, but now I like it.

- I don't know how to joke, or say something funny to people and I often find it very hard to respond to what people say, and when I don't know what to say I just smile or giggle.

- I have trouble with understanding face expressions, except I do notice when someone is sad, happy or bored. Otherwise I can't recognise if someone is offended, usually I just ask people, why are you upset? and they say "I'm not upset" and I get confused.

- I have very bad motor skills and bad hand/eye coordination. I am slightly clumsy during sport, but other wise my hand righting is neat and I am a very creative drawer.

- I used to have obsessions with strange things and each obsession lasted a year, but now I have noticed that I have not had any obsessions lately. (Could it be that I am growing out of having obsessions?)

- I am not very good at literal English.

- I find some sounds distracting and some very painful, at school I have to block my ears when the bell rings, or I have to block my ears when an ambulance drives past. I hate the smell of strong deodorant and perfume and. I also recognise people by their unique smell instead of voice.

- I am very easily distracted

- I see some pictures as sounds, and sounds as pictures, e.g. when I listen to music I can easily imagine patterns and pictures in my mind.

Here are some things about me that do not match someone with AS

- I can eat anything, I have no trouble with certain textures or flavours of food

- I have not really had trouble with making friends, and I moved schools 7 times except for one school, in one school I did not make any friends, but I stayed there for only 1 year and in the next school I made a few very close friends

- I do not get upset when my time table gets rearranged; change is not a problem to me.

- I am terrible at math, no matter how much I study and listen in class, I just can not do math

- I was never said to be the "nerd" at school, I was never bossy, I was always known as the shy quiet girl and I am still shy and quiet today.

- I asked my mum if I have AS but she said that I don't, but could it be possible that she never noticed my symptoms? Because I have a strong feeling that I do, because I feel very different and socially different and people have told me that I am weird. Some people have told me that I always look sad or that I make weird face expressions for certain moments.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Here are common traits with AS,

.They prefer to be alone

. They want to make friends but have trouble doing so

. Dont know how to react in a social situation

.Have intense interests with specific things

.Usually have sensitive senses especially sensitive ears or taste

. Usually of normal to above noraml intelligence

. Tend to score low in mathematics however

. Boys tend to prefer engineering/mathematics, girls tend to prefer nature/Biology

. Rigid walking (walking but not moving arms) or poor posture

.Don't speak much (a study showed the average was around 20 words a day for severe AS)

.Strict or ritualized patterns (dislike change)

.Usually don't like to be touched

If you suspect you have AS then the truth is you were born with it. If anything listed was gradual, chances are you do not have Aspergers.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

No, you cannot have a mild case of Asperger Syndrome.

Either you are Autistic or you are not - it's not possible for you to be 'mildly autistic', Autism is a neurological difference. Asperger Syndrome is also no longer a diagnosis, it's merged with Autism.

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Loving pigs is not a symptom of Aspergers's Syndrome. You might have Asperger's Syndrome, but you might not. More information would be necessary to determine whether it is a possibility. A link to a list of symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome is provided below.

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That depends on whether or not they take care of their health.

How do you recognize Asperger's Syndrome?

If you are trying to recognize Asperger's Syndrome (AS) in yourself, look at a list of symptoms at one of the websites on the condition or the WikiAnswers question on signs and symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome. If you decide it is likely that you have AS and want a formal diagnosis, find a psychiatrist who has experience diagnosing AS. If you are trying to recognize Asperger's Syndrome in someone else, it might not be possible unless you know the person well. Again, you can determine whether it is a likely possibility by looking at a list of symptoms. There are no physical appearance characteristics that indicate autism or Asperger's Syndrome. The only physical appearance characteristic that sometimes is mentioned is the tendency of some of them to look youthful.