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Exercise Daily and eat healthily. Speaking to your doctor or a nutritionist would also be a good idea.

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Q: How can an obese 12-year-old boy with metabolic weight gain lose weight?
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What is the minimum recommended weight gain for the obese pregnant woman?

11 lbs

Why is it bad to eat burgers?

Eating too much burgers can make you gain weight and get obese.

How do you lose weight if your pregnant?

This is not a time to lose weight, you are supposed to gain it. If you however is obese or really overweight you have to speak to your doctor who can send you to a dietitian so you at least don't gain more. Losing weight depends on what the doctor says. He might not approve.

That a 153 Lbs 12 is obese?

Gain 1 more pound and you are obese. To lose weight you could eat 500 calories less per day. If you did this you would be the right weight in 6 months. But I am 12 and 175lbs. Its probably just puberty!

Does every one gain weight when they stop smoking?

No, if differs from person to person, depending on alot of factors and metabolic states.

How much of the total water gain does the kangaroo rat get from metabolic water?

Total water weight gain from metabolic water for the kangaroo rat is normally double its bodyweight. The rat doubles in size, registers as a democrat, and is then able to vote in the next election.

What are the Negative effects of computer to the kids and teenagers?

They can become obese or gain weight. They can also get eye problems, brain dammage and get very addicted.

What happens if you keep eating when you're full?

You and get a bellyache, get sick or throw up. You also gain more weight and you might become obese.

My height is 5'6 and my weight is 72 is it ok or not?

no because that is overweight or obese 1.

Does removing your appendix cause weight gain?

It depends on whether you were obese or not before our operation. If you were you are likely to lose weight, whereas if you weren't scientists haven't got a clue. Hope this helps... @(-.-)@

What are the problems with yo-yo dieting?

This continued "cycling" between weight loss and weight gain can slow the basal metabolic rate and can sometimes lead to eating disorders.

What will happen if you take too much calorie?

You will gain weight, and if you do it long enough, eventually become overweight/obese. But if you just ate too many calories for one day, you won't gain anything.