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You will have to wait for it to grow during puberty naturally.

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Q: How can a ten year old make is penis bigger?
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it depends

How old were you when your penis got bigger?

for me my penis was 2 inches long when i was 12 and increased to 4inches the following year and now im 15 and my penis is 6.5inches

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This is bigger than the average penis size (about 6inches). I have a 8.5inch penis and I'm 21 years old. Just remember to go slow at first when having sex as you may hurt your partner other wises.

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Is a four and a half inch penis normal or abnormal for a nine year old?

Ok, aren't you a little young to be worrying 'bout that kind of stuff? And yes that is normal.

Is a one and a half inch penis small for a ten year old?

No, that's about right. Boys don't start getting bigger until about 12 or so when puberty kicks in.

How do you treat a sore penis in a 2 year old boy?

Well it is not normal for someones Penis to hurt. You should go make an appointment to see your family doctor just incase something is wrong with his penis

How can an eleven year old make her butt grow bigger?

Just wait puberty will take care of that

You are 22 years old will your penis get bigger?

The penis generally stops growing around the age of 21, so it is doubtful if it will grow any further.

How do you make your peins biger?

Unfortunately there isn't anything you can do to make your penis bigger. If you haven't yet reached the end of puberty it may grow bigger all by itself. If you have reached the end of puberty then it is likely to remain the size that it is. Do remember the old saying "it is not how big it is that matters but what you do with it."