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how can a stigima affect your health risk?

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Q: How can a stigma affect your health?
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A stigma is a mark of disgrace associated with a particular characteristic or attribute. An example of a sentence using "stigma" could be: "There is a stigma attached to mental health issues that can prevent individuals from seeking help."

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1. The stigma associated with mental health problems.

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the stigma associated with mental health problems

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Homosexuality does not affect your health in any way. Only unsafe sexual practices (of any orientation) can affect your health.

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Stigma. Stigma has been associated with seeking care for psychological health concerns in the past, with people often feeling judged or ashamed for reaching out for help. This stigma can prevent individuals from seeking the support they need.

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Yes emotions can affect physical health in many cases. They affect brain, which affects the physical health of person.