(Strengthen your muscles)
Strengthen your abdominal muscles.
To get your legs to strengthen by running and running because this is using your muscles and that helps your legs to strengthen.
The multifidus muscles are deep, intrinsic muscle of the spine. Deep in that it has overlying musculature, intrinsic in that they originate and insert to the spine. The multifidi, along with the rotatores and semispinalis are collective referred to as the transversospinalis muscles given that they orriginate from the transverse processes of the spine & insert on the spinous processes of the spine. The multifidi themselves only span about 2-3 vertebral segments (bones in your back). The transversospinalis group lays deep to the larger erector spinae, which is a midline intrinsic back muscle group.
The exercise ball will strengthen different muscles depending on how you use it. It's probably most popular and frequently used for an abdominal work out.
When exercise is done the muscles are broken down. The muscles are then repared back stronger.
Strengthen weak muscles and stretch shortened muscles.
Some good ways to strengthen your knees would be to perform exercises which would strengthen the muscles around your knees. Low impact sports would help to build muscles on your knees as well.
Squats and poly-metrics.
You can strengthen your muscular system by using it. By lifting weights or running, you are using the muscles, and they are growing and toning. When you don't use your muscles, the are not as strong and you ware weaker as a whole.
Some floor exercises, if done correctly, do strengthen abdominal muscles. Crunches and situps do this. Some yoga or pilates positions accomplish this as well.
To strengthen the zygomaticus muscles, you can perform facial exercises such as smiling broadly, pursing your lips, or using resistance bands specifically designed for facial muscles. Regularly engaging in these exercises can help to tone and strengthen the zygomaticus muscles over time.