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A low purine diet will help to avoid gout attacks.(however there are also drugs and other treatments available to help ward of the pain and discomfort that can acompany gout.)

Here is a list of some of the foods that are high in purines. These foods have the highest concentration of purines and should therefore be avoided by people that are prone to or are already suffering from gout.

Beef, Pork, Bacon, Lamb, Seafood, especially offal meats like kidney liver brains etc.

Foods that are made with yeast like beer or bread, Alcoholic Beverages

These foods, while high in purine levels that can aggravate the symptoms of gout can be had occasionally by those who usually follow a low purine diet. Asparagus, Cauliflower, Mushrooms, Peas, Spinach, Whole grain breads and cereals, White poultry meats, like chicken, duck or turkey, Kidney and lima beans.

The following foods are safe to eat in a low purine diet; however these should not be the only food you eat. Green vegetables and tomatoes, Fruits and fruit juices, Breads that do not use yeast (may be found in the kosher section or a health food store), Nuts, Milk and milk products such as butter and cheese, Chocolate, Coffee and tea.

Gout is a disease caused by an excessive amount of uric acid. Now, uric acid is produced by the catabolism of nucleotides that usually exist in cells. So, any food that has cells (animal cells) can make gout worse, like meat, eggs,.... etc

Foods that can lead to uric acid and gout are: anchovies, sardines, herring, mushrooms, gravies, organ meats, and other purine rich foods. Alcohol, especially beer, and coffee should also be avoided.

An infusion of rosemary tea is very soothing. (1 litre a day)

1. Lemon Juice

Gout is a build up of too much acid in the body. Therefore the body's pH level must be neutralized by adding alkaline to the body. This is best achieved by drinking the juice of a fresh lemon. Lemons are 20% acid, 80% alkaline. I just take the juice of a whole lemon, mix it with warm water in a tumbler and down it through a straw. Doing this first thing in the morning on a empty stomach also helps cleanse the kidneys which is linked to other gout related problems.

2. Red Tart Cherries

Prior to taking lemon juice every day, if I felt a gout attack coming on, I would go and buy a kilo of cherries and gradually munch on them for a few hours. Cherries are a natural anti-inflammatory.

3. Diet and Exercise

While the first two points are excellent treatments, a healthy balanced diet and exercising 3 times a week for 45 minutes is core to preventing gout from occurring in the first place.

Fad diets are rubbish. Dieting is pretty simple. It's pretty obvious what's healthy and not: Things that grow out the ground and that are natural = good. Things in colourful packets with loads of e-numbers and weird looking animations promoting them = bad.

Moderation is the key.

Foods That are reputed to help relieve the symptoms of gout.

Cherry juice or strawberries are said to be helpful. Some chemicals contained in dark berries may help reduce the inflammation and lower the uric acid.

Oily fish like salmon, or fatty acids in flax seed or olive oil or nuts may reduce inflammation too.

Replacing meat with tofu (from soybeans) instead of meat could also be helpful.

Some have found relief with OPC3 antioxidant supplement.

A balanced diet for gout sufferers includes foods that are high in complex carbohydrates, low in protein and low in fat.

fruit and vegetables.
In general, meat and other protein rich foods, since high protein is metabolized and large amounts of uric acid are produced.

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13y ago
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11y ago is good place to start to get the fundamentals knowledge of the diet. can be used to evaluate the types of acceptable foods.

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12y ago

There are dietary guidelines which aim to help reduce the painful symptoms that are often associated with gout. For the most part, gout diet foods are the same healthy food options that are recommended for most people to follow. The bulk of a diet plan for gout consists of eating foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fiber. Fish, meat and poultry should be limited, since they can worsen painful symptoms.

Foods that are high in sugar and alcohol should also be avoided, since they can raise levels of uric acid and worsen gout symptoms. Drinking lots of water is encouraged, since doing so will help to remove uric acid from the body. Beans and legumes are also recommended as part of a healthy diet for gout, as well as foods rich in vitamin C.

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12y ago

Cut down on fish and seafood, anti-oxidants help (cherries are wonderful). Ask your doctor for other information and medicine.

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11y ago

The main part of a gout diet consist of eating as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. Fresh, unfiltered water for drinking, and avoiding beef, seafood, and shellfish.

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11y ago

A low salt and low fat diet seems to be one of the most helpful for gout sufferers. Also, a diet high in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean meats are typically recommended.

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The Purine diet is usually a diet for someone who has Gout. If you are wanting to go on the Purine diet, I would recommend speaking with your Dr to make sure that it is safe for you to be on. You want to make sure that you are not harming yourself by being on this diet.

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The best way to treat gout is to go on a natural gout diet. These diets include an increase of fruits and vegetables and caution those to stay away from fats, dairy, and other greasy products.

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