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The first week of pregnancy you shouldn't feel much of anything. There usually isn't enough hormones to start feeling the early symptoms of pregnancy.

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Q: How are you going to feel during the first week of being pregnant?
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If you have a period while your pregnant, this may be a sign of something else going on. If your eight months pregnant, it's probably early labor. If your in your first trimester of pregnancy, then there's something else going on and you need to get to the doctor immediately.

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If you had sex during the three days without protection, or within the first week of pill use, you could be pregnant. Take a pregnancy test.

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yes you will i am going on three months pregnant now an i havethick white dischargeand cervical discharge,,,, many women get that during pregnancy.

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Find out if you are pregnant for sure first. Then tell him that you're an irresponsile twit who doesn't use birth control and is going to ruin his life and get away from him until you CAN behave like a responsible human being. Nicer Way let him know that it is a possibility. Then disccuss and alternative future for the "if."