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The lungs act as the mechanism to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. The heart is the main pumping system that helps to move it throughout the body.

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Q: How are the heart and lungs specialised to their jobs?
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What are the two jobs of the heart-lung?

to clean your blood and transport it to your lungs.....your welcome!(:

What tissue do both the heart and lungs rely on do their jobs for the body?

The heart and lungs rely heavily on blood, a liquid connective tissue, to carry out their function. The heart pumps the oxygen-containing blood throughout the body. The blood picks up oxygen at the alveoli of the lungs.

How is the heart specialized for its job?

the heart is specialised because it has four parts

What jobs does heart do?

the job a heart is keeping alive and sending blood to all your cells. this process is circulation. you heart and lungs carrie oxgen to all parts of the body also.

Do the lungs lie medial to the heart?

The heart is both medial AND deep to the lungs.

What jobs that the lungs have?

the lungs help you breathe

During CPR the and are stimulate?

During CPR the lungs and heart are stimulated.

What to organs do the ribs protect?

The ribs protect crucial organs such as the heart and lungs. They form a cage-like structure around these organs to provide support and protection from external injury.

What behaviors can harm your lungs and heart?

What behaviors can harm you lungs and heart?

Does the left lung lie lateral to the heart?

Medial basically refers to being in the middle. Lateral basically refers to on or at the sides. The lungs are located on either side of the heart, so they are lateral to the heart.

Why The heart and lungs jobs are important to us?

lungs remove CO2 and other unessential gasses from the blood, and adds oxygen to the body (the essential to life) and the heart pumps the blood full of oxygen through the body to the body cab use the oxygen. and it pumps the CO2 full blood to the lungs to dispel it from the body.

Which parts of the body are significantly strengthened by cardiovascular exercise?

Blood vessels, the heart, and the lungs are significantly strengthened by cardiovascular exercise.