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Without much federal oversight and against devise maker's advice, hospitals often take intrusive medical devices, apply toxic chemicals, and then sterilize

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Q: How are disposable surgical and medical instruments a problem?
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What factors restricted the development of new surgical and medical instruments in the 1990's?

Besides a capital shortage and the threat of nationalized health care, the most prolific problem facing manufacturers in the early 1990s was a slowdown in FDA product approvals.

What is the medical term meaning surgical removal of the pituitary gland?

HypophysectomyhypophysectomyhypophysectomyHypophysectomy is surgical removal of the pituiatry, a gland in the brain.

What are some examples of surgical instruments?

Examples of surgical instruments include scalpels for cutting, forceps for grasping and holding tissues, retractors for exposing organs, and scissors for cutting tissue and sutures. Other examples include clamps for occluding blood vessels and needle holders for suturing.

How can MRSA be controlled?

Use of scrupulous hygiene, of medical staff and patients, handwashing,sanitizing rooms between patients, disposable gloves, and strict instructions to visitors. This would not get rid of the problem but may be able to control it in each institution.

What is an iatrogenic surgical complication?

An iatrogenic infection is one actually caused by accidental medical actions. Iatrogenic means a complication as a result of treatment. Iatrogenic means that was caused by a doctor, or by a treatment prescribed by a doctor.

What are the nursing interventions for hydrocele?

Hydrocephalus is usually the result of another medical problem within the skull. Medical interventions of hydrocephalus usually include a surgical shunt or medication or both.

What is the medical term meaning surgical removal of an aneurysm?

Aortoplasty is a general term for surgical repair of the aorta. That depends on the type of repair that is being performed, it can be called "Endovascular aortic aneurysm repair" when it is a surgical procedure to repair an aortic aneurysm done through the major blood vessels of the body. Depending on the procedure used and the problem being repaired different techniques may be used such as: Patching, used when there are tears in the valve, fixed through surgical insertion of a tissue patch. Commissurotomy, which is when the valve is narrowed, an incision of a commissure into the valve is used to fix the problem. Reshaping, used to reshape the valve so that it can close properly. Valvuloplasty, used to increase opening of valve and improve blood flow when the valve has become rigid with calcium buildup. This is done through the insertion of a balloon catheter. Decalcification, used when there is a calcium build up, removes excess calcium so that valve can function properly.

Who invented the instruments Columbus used on his voyage?

i did you got a problem

What does a medical breakthrough mean?

Medical Breakthrough means that there is a newdevelopment in medicine which could be the answer to a problem or a new problem.

Is snoring a normal part of sleeping or is it a medical problem?

medical part

Can you develop single use cameras after the date?

Although disposable cameras have an expiration date, the actual problem is with heat and humidity- not age.