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If you are referring to conjoined twins, than they are formed by an egg that partially splits when developing in the uterus.

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Q: How are babies born stuck together?
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Five babies born at the same time are called 'quintuplets'. They are also called 'rare'.

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Yes, you can leave them together, but the pregnant female rabbit will eat her babies when they are born. So, you probably shouldn't leave them together.

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A litter.

Should i keep my male and female guineapigs together?

It is not advised to keep them housed together. It is okay to put them together for a day or two for breeding, but if kept together they may end up fighting. The female will protect her babies after they are born and a male can also harm the babies.

When was Stuck Together with God's Glue created?

Stuck Together with God's Glue was created in 1990.

Do babies be born feet first?

Not always. Usually they are born head first but sometimes babies can come out the other way which means they can be born butt first. This is called the breech position. When a baby is born this way it can cause problems. If a breeech baby is born naturaly the butt will come out first and if the baby is born this way the baby's head could get stuck. So for most breech babies they are planned to be born by cearsarean section (c section). So for most babies it is better to be born head first instead of butt first.

When was John Stuck born?

John Stuck was born in 1943.