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AIDS isn't caused by intercourse, it is spread by it. Any body secretion can pass on the AIDS virus. Blood, mucus, spit, even tears and sweat. The chance varies with each type. Sex just involves a much greater chance because of the fluids involved and the length of contact.

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Q: How aids is caused by intercourse?
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What does AIDS does not discriminate mean?

anyone who has intercourse can get aids any sexual activities you can get aids

How do males get aids?

unprotected intercourse

How the aids transimited?

through sexual intercourse

Why aids is caused?

AIDS is a disease caused by a virus, known as HIV (human immunity virus). If this virus is transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person, the formerly healthy person may also become infected. One common method the virus is transmitted - though no the only one - is through sexual intercourse.

How aids causes?

AIDS is usually caused by Less protective Sexual intercourse or intercourse with a already infected person. It also happens to a person if he/she uses a already used syringe, gets injected the blood of already infected person. Use of Condoms ( both male & female ) may help to reduce the chances of causing AIDS to a great extent. The person should take every protective measure possible.

Can only black people get aids?

no. anyone can get hiv or aids it is a disease that passes sexual intercourse or sharing needles

How do men receive aids from women?

The most common way people receive AIDS is from having sexual intercourse with some already carrying AIDS in there body.

Can a person get Aids when a guy goes intercousre for more than 5 people?

It depends, if that guy were to have intercourse for more than 5 people without protection he is likely to have AIDS. However, if he used protection its unlikely, but be careful he might have or not had intercourse with a person that has AIDS but he might have not know of.

Can AIDS be caused by genetic mutation?

Yes they can if you want to have AIDS!

Did Hitler have AIDS or HIV?

Rumors are because he had sexual intercourse with a JEWISH prostitute

Will a girl gets Aids if she intercourse with 3 people?

The number of people doesn't affect how you get AIDs.AIDs is passed on by someone else who is infected by it. So, if one of the people she has an intercourse with as AIDs, chances are she will get AIDs too.If you can't have safe sex, do the taxpayer a favour and don't bother having sex.

What is the infectious disease caused by a virus that attacks the disease fighting cells?

AIDS is caused by the HIV virus, which attacks disease-fighting cells.