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Q: Historically had the most suspected cervical spine injuries?
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If facial injuries are severe a what fracture should be assumed?

Cervical Spine.

When is a c collar applied?

in case of suspected cervical spine trauma or other pathology.

Where in the spine do most injuries occur?

Most spinal injuries occur in the cervical (neck) and lumbar (lower back) regions of the spine. The cervical spine is particularly vulnerable due to its mobility and range of motion, while the lumbar spine bears a lot of weight and can be prone to injury from lifting or twisting motions.

What has the author Donald R Murphy written?

Donald R. Murphy has written: 'Conservative management of cervical spine syndromes' -- subject(s): Cervical vertebrae, Injuries, Spinal Diseases, Therapy, Treatment, Wounds and injuries

When would you not do a head tilt technique?

The head-tilt technique should not be used when it is suspected the patient may have a cervical spine or neck injury.

What does the medical abbreviation c-spine mean?

c-spine means cervical spine, and cervical means neck.

What is musculoligamentous?

Musculoligamentous pertains to both muscle and ligament. The term is used when referring to injuries like lumbar sprains and injury to the cervical spine.

Were is scoliosis located in the spine?

Scoliosis can be located in the cervical, thoracic or lumbar area of the spine Cervical = neck Thoracic = mid spine Lumbar = lower spine

How many bones in cervical spine?

There are 7 bones in the cervical spine, which are numbered C1 to C7. These bones provide support to the skull and allow for movements of the head and neck.

Could a neck injury result in cervical radiculitis?

Cervical radiculitius can be caused by a neck injury but, is not always associated with one. It is caused by an impact to the neck OR repeated bending of the neck. I have it and all of a sudden I woke up with my neck sideways and extreme nerve pain in my right arm. Hope this helps.

What is the weakest area of the spine?


Is the cervical spine inferior to the lumbar spine?

No.The cervical spine is in the neck and is above the lumbar spine, which is in the low back. Because we reference things from anatomical position, which is standing upright, and because the term "inferior" is used to denote things that are below, that statement would be incorrect. Therefore, we could correctly say the cervical spine is superior, or rostral, to the lumbar spine. We could also say that the lumbar spine is inferior, or caudal, to the cervical spine.