Well it is certainly not good! Normal hemoglobin values range from 12-16 for females and from 14-18 for males. My husband just had a gastrointestinal bleed, and when his hemoglobin level dipped below 9, they transfused him. His original level upon admittance was 5.8, and he had 8 units of blood before they could get him up above the "9" that they required before they would let him go home. So...you need some iron! I'd def. call the doc about this one...not anything to play around with.
Carbon is dangerous as it is enters the body and stays in the hemoglobin. Carbon in the hemoglobin will cause limited oxygen in the blood and into the brain.
A dangerous level of low hemoglobin is typically considered to be below 7 grams per deciliter of blood. This condition is known as severe anemia and may lead to symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, and dizziness. Immediate medical attention is needed at this level to prevent further complications.
Well, darling, a normal hemoglobin level for a 67-year-old man should be around 13.8 to 17.2 grams per deciliter. But hey, if his levels are slightly below or above that range, it doesn't necessarily mean he's on death's door. Just keep an eye on it and consult with a healthcare professional if you're concerned, honey.
This information can be used to help physician's diagnose and monitor anemia (a low hemoglobin level) and polycythemia vera (a high hemoglobin level).
A hemoglobin level of 4.7 is dangerously low and if not properly treated could become fatal. Normally, women should have a hemoglobin level of 12 or more, men 13 or more. Generally, hospitals will begin emergency blood transfusions when the hemoglobin level drops below 7 or 8.
Low hemoglobin level
it will show your hemogblobin level , and let you know if you're in a good health condition . if you wanna test your hemoglobin level at home,you can get a nice hemoglobin meter at medasia.store
For an infant, normal hemoglobin is 14-22 g/dL
There is no correlation between hemoglobin and lung cancer. A high or low hemoglobin can mean any number of conditions; people with lung cancer can have any level of hemoglobin depending on situation and other conditions.
Well, honey, a hemoglobin level of 4.9 is definitely on the lower side of the spectrum. It's considered dangerously low and can lead to symptoms like fatigue, shortness of breath, and even fainting. You might wanna have a chat with your doctor about this one, just saying.