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A lot of men like something different. there are a lot of white blokes with the same attitude in reverse and also for Asian woman.

The answer to your question is simple black guy - You (and the rest of the world) have been conditioned to worship white females. I am no different. This answer is very complex but to keep it encapsulated in a few bullet points here are a few of the modes and methods that have been employed to accomplish this:

1. Conquer a nation

2. Enslave a nation

These first two steps are primary to accomplish the following because it is the foundation for self loathing (a foundational component in conditioning a human's attention to a secondary stimulus)

3. Replace the self respect with self loathing - and a new stimulus (i.e. whiteness)

4. Use every mode of sensory communication to reinforce this thought -

a. language, music, smells, pictures, cliches, nursery rhymes, stories, re-edit history, video, television, books, newspaper, internet, magazines, etc.

b. a doll named BARBIE

c. because you (e.g. white people) control all of these modes of communication you can then control what images, sounds, ideas, and perceptions emanate from them - not just concerning what is good, acceptable and desirable, but what is not. This leads to the final stroke -

5. Terminology - Communication is the key - what has been communicated to you via a panoply of sources is that white is good, black is bad.

Black Cat (bad) White Cat (good) Black Knight (bad) White Knight (good) White Lie (good) Black Lie (bad) etc...

Once this type of strategy is employed, the masses of people will keep the momentum going simply because the masses are sheep. Like Neo from the Matrix my friend - you are nothing more than battery for the machine - like electricity, you are the negative charge to the positive charge (as defined by the architect)

Terms like good, beauty, love, peace, soft, plesant etc. have been defined for you simply by association and repetition. You are a slave Neo!

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Q: Help im a black guy and worship white girls you worship the ground they walk on their goddess bodies their beautiful smiles their amazing creamy soft bodies arms and legs and caring personalities why?
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