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Some women start as early as the fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterus wall. And that can be anywhere between 7-10 dpo. So as soon as the hcg level begins to rise. Answer If you are getting headaches you should see a doctor. They are not a symptom of pregnancy. I am another poster adding a comment to this last answer. Although headaches are not the best symptom it can happen. I started having headaches two weeks after conception and they lasted on and off for about two weeks. My headaches were the reason I took a pregnancy test and it came out postive. Headaches were my first symptom. But to be sure... contact your doctor!

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12y ago

It is common for some women to experience headache in the early part of their pregnancies. Only a doctor can diagnose your actual problem though, so please seek the help of a qualified physician or headache specialist for advice.

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16y ago

This is quite normal. It's your uterus growing and changing shape.

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Q: Headache early pregnancy
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Yes. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your period

Can a headache that has lasted 3 or 4 days be an early sign of pregnancy if it's only been 9 days since possible conception?

It can be. But it could also just be that, a bad long lasting headache due to perhaps stress. If it persists see your doctor. Get him/her to do a blood test for a possible pregnancy. Pregnancy headaches can start as early as 7-10 dpo as the hcg level begins to rise.

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You might feel nausea, breast tenderness, headache, high body temperature, etc. But a lot of women don't even have any symptoms that early in the pregnancy. It just depends on your body and the pregnancy.

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Frequent urination can be an early symptom of pregnancy, but a UTI isnt' an early pregnancy sign.

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Nausea is a feeling that you makes you feel sick to your stomach. It usually, but not always, results in vomiting. Causes of nausea can include headache, food poisoning, motion sickness, and early pregnancy.

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early pregnancy, none

What does urine smell like in early pregnancy?

Urine. Ammonia. The smell of urine does not change in early pregnancy. Or late pregnancy.

What if you get a headache after bleach inhaltion?

you die shortly after the headache starts. It's your bodies early warning sign after inhalation.

I am on the pill and my period is due in about a week I have been really tired nauseas and having headaches for the past 4 days. Is it too early to be having pregnancy symptoms?

Fatigue, nausea, and headache in a woman on the pill are more likely due to viral illness than pregnancy. If you've missed pills, or if you miss your period, take a pregnancy test.

Is chicken good during early pregnancy?

Yes, chicken is good during early pregnancy.

Is milky white vaginal discharge a early sign of pregnancy?

no it is not an early sign of pregnancy