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Q: Having the ability to enter and destroy surrounding tissue?
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What is the medical term meaning having the ability to enter and destroy surrounding tissue?

The medical term for having the ability to enter and destroy surrounding tissue is invasive. This term is commonly used to describe how certain diseases or pathogens can spread and damage nearby tissues in the body.

What is a tumor called if it can invade and destroy the surrounding healthy tissue?

A tumor that can invade and destroy surrounding healthy tissue is called malignant or cancerous tumor. This type of tumor has the ability to spread to other parts of the body.

What is the tumor that invade and destroy surrounding healthy tissue?

metastasis tumor

What tissue that is avascular and is nourished from the underlying connective tissue?

Cartilage is a type of tissue that is avascular and receives its nourishment from the surrounding connective tissue. This lack of blood vessels in cartilage limits its ability to repair itself after injury compared to other tissues in the body.

What is the surgical removal of aportion of the tissue surrounding the heart?

Pericardectomy is surgical removal of a portion or all of the tissue surrounding the heart. This tissue is known as the pericardium.

What word is used to describe an acid that can destroy body tissue clothing and many other things?

The word used to describe an acid that can destroy body tissue, clothing, and many other things is "corrosive." Corrosive acids have the ability to cause significant damage upon contact with various materials.

The most distinguishing characteristic of muscle tissue is?

Excitability = the ability to receive and respond to a stimulus Contractility = the ability to shorten Extensibility = the ability to be stretched Elasticity = the ability to resume normal length after contraction or having been stretched.

What is the medical term meaning tissue surrounding the nail bed?

The medical term for the tissue surrounding the nail bed is "periungual tissue."

Tissue surrounding the bone?


Neoplasms that closely resemble normal parent tissue are?

Benign neoplasms. These tumors closely resemble normal parent tissue in terms of cell structure and organization, and they do not have the ability to invade surrounding tissues or spread to other parts of the body.

What tissue has the ability to react to stimuli?

nervous tissue

What word is used to describe an acid or a base that can destroy body tissue clothing and many other things?

"Corrosive" is the term used to describe acids or bases that can destroy body tissue, clothing, and other materials. This quality is due to their ability to chemically react with and break down substances they come into contact with.