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I personally have not heard of a kidney stone effecting your menstrual cycle, but I am not a Doctor. I would perform a pregnancy test is there is a risk you could be pregnant. Also see your Doctor about your missed periods.

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Q: Haven't had a period in 48 days found out I have a Kidney Stone if this is the cause when will my period start again?
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Treatment Procedures for Kidney Stones?

The treatment for kidney stones continues changing relying upon the kind of stone and the reason. For little stones, obtrusive medicines are not expected to be given by the best kidney stone emergency clinic in Chennai. All things considered, you will be asked to, Hydrate to remain hydrated and produce clear pee Incorporate pain killers like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, and others) or (Aleve) naproxen sodium to beat agony or uneasiness. Look for a specialist's assistance for clinical expulsive treatment with alpha blockers. This sort of medicine can loosen up the muscles in the ureter and assist with passing the kidney stone all the more rapidly and with negligible torment. Instances of alpha blockers are tamsulosin (Flomax) and drug blend tamsulosin and dutasteride (Jalyn). Then again, for enormous stones, it requires greater treatment techniques from the best kidney stone emergency clinic in Chennai that include:

When can you start taking the pill again when you havent taken them in 2 weeks?

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Is Kidney disease a disease?

Yes it is... It is not life threatening but you will have long term illness continuously throughout your life. Or as the State Disability department says you are ill longer than a 12 month period and unknown when he/she will be well again.

Is Kidney disease a disability?

Yes it is... It is not life threatening but you will have long term illness continuously throughout your life. Or as the State Disability department says you are ill longer than a 12 month period and unknown when he/she will be well again.