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The nerves that serve the body aren't particularly strong, and they can be injured or broken from too much stretching, pressure, or cutting. If the nerve is damaged through excessive stretching or pressure, it may stop working and no longer carry messages to and from the brain. The tissue surrounding the nerve, however, may be undamaged. If the nerve is cut, the nerve along with its covering may both be broken. In any injury, the nerve's ability to carry messages may be interrupted, and this can stop muscles from working or can cause loss of feeling in the part of the body served by that particular nerve.

If a nerve fiber breaks, the end of the nerve that's farthest from the brain dies. If the insulation isn't damaged, it becomes an empty tube once the nerve completely dies. The end of the fiber closest to the brain will not die, however. In fact, it may even start healing on its own, possibly growing back through the uninjured tube until it reaches a muscle or a sensory receptor.

If both the nerve and its surrounding tissue are cut and the nerve is not repaired, a condition known as a neuroma may result. In such cases, the nerve fibers try to grow back but because they don't have a good insulating tube in which to grow, they end up forming a ball at the site of the original cut. The neuroma that results can be painful and can even cause an electrical sensation when it's touched.

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You can tell if a vein has burst in your wrist by the pain you experience and how it appears. It may cause pain when it bursts, and it will look like blood or a bruise under the skin.

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Q: Has the vein burst in your wrist?
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Why did your vein bust?

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the vain in your wrist that can kill you middle one

Can a vein burst if you get cheek piercings?

no your vein cannot burst in your cheek it is mostly impossible dont worry Yes, you can have a ruptured vein if you have an inexperienced operator. Even if you let this close up, you will likely have a scar.

What is the blood vessel in your wrist are called?

The wrist has several types of veins and arteries. The main veins in the wrist are dorsal digital veins, cephalic and basilic veins.

Can your vein burst in your foot?

Sure. It's called an embolism.

Why when you cut your vein on your wrist you will die but if you chop your hand you survive?

I think it's still fatal to do that but when you cut that vein it releases a lot of blood so you can die from blood loss (if not taken to a hospital on time). You will not die right away from cutting your wrist vein.

What causes a vein in your wrist to swell and sting?

because you play to hard or you sleep on it

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on my left ankle my vein burst through my skin and was bleeding every where,comming out like a fountain.

What does it mean if you have a bulging vein in the pit of YOUR arm with no strength in arm and pain in wrist?


Could a burst arm vein be caused by heat stress?

It's rare but yes

What does a burst vein look like?

If it is right under the skin , it looks like a bruise.

What causes a vein to burst in finger?

There are many factors that can cause this. Mostly hardened blood vessels or thin walled blood vessels, usually paired with high blood pressure, sometimes a persons blood vessels can be thin enough where as much as a flick can cause them to rupture.