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segmented worm that is the answer

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Q: Has a nervous system blood vessels and a long digestive tube that runs down the length of its body It can also absorb dissolved oxygen through its skin what is it?
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What is the type of muscle that is found in the digestive tract and blood vessels?

Smooth muscle (under involuntary control by the autonomic nervous system).

What is is the type of muscle that is found in the digestive tract and blood vessels?

Smooth muscle (under involuntary control by the autonomic nervous system).

Line digestive organs and blood vessels?

line digestive organs and blood vessels

What absorbers food?

The lymph vessels or the blood vessels of the digestive absorb the digested food through the tiny projections in the small intestine called villi.

HOw does the digestive and nervous system work together?

The digestive and nervous systems work together in several ways. The nervous system controls the muscles involved in swallowing and peristalsis, which moves food through the digestive tract. It also regulates the release of digestive enzymes and hormones. Additionally, the digestive system sends signals to the brain to indicate hunger or fullness, which are important for regulating food intake.

Would the blood vessels carry digestive juices to the digestive system?

Blood vessels do not carry digestive juices to the digestive system. Digestive juices are either secreted directly into the lumen of the digestive tract, or are carried by ducts, as with bile and pancreatic juice.

Which part in the body human transports hormones and nutriment?

The digestive system and the cardiovascular system via the blood vessels. The nervous system is the administrator which decides where the hormones need to go and do their work.

Is there blood involved in the digestive system?

No. The digestive system is strictly for eating and disposing that food. There is no blood in your stomach (or at least, there is not supposed to be), but there are blood vessels that go around the organs in your digestive system. However, the blood does not go through them.

Do the blood vessels carry digestive juices?


What is bahjat diseas?

This rare disease is a form of inflammation of blood vessels that appear most often with mucosalulceration and visual problems. The disease alsoaffects the digestive system, respiratory, muscular and nervous system. Can cause death from rupture of blood vessels and severe neurological complications, so treatment is an necessary.

What are the subsystems of the body?

Some subsystems of the body include the circulatory system (heart, blood, blood vessels), respiratory system (lungs, trachea, bronchi), digestive system (stomach, intestines, liver), nervous system (brain, spinal cord, nerves), and skeletal system (bones, joints, ligaments).

How do the digestive system works with the other body systems?

The digestive system works closely with the circulatory system to absorb nutrients and transport them to cells for energy. It also interacts with the nervous system to coordinate the movement of food through the digestive tract. Additionally, the immune system plays a role in protecting the digestive system from harmful bacteria and viruses.