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Ask your health care provider for more information on what's coming out of your cervix. The possibilities are pus, blood, mucous, and cervical polyps.

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Q: Had pap smear and found out you have something coming out of your cervix?
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What part of the uterus is a pap smear peformed on?

A pap smear is normally taken from the cervix, the end of the uterus that protrudes into the vagina.

Why do you need a cervical smear test?

A cervical smear is a screening test for cervical cancer and precancerous changes on the cervix. It allows early treatment if a problem is found.

Your cervix was closed during your pap smear What does that mean?

when I went for a routine cancer smear my doctor said she could not do it because my cervix was closed.

Can a Pap smear test show if fibroma is present?

Pap smears will not detect fibromas. Fibromas are not found on the cervix.

Why is your pap smear abnormal if you have no cervix?

You can have abnormal cells in the vaginal cuff, even if you don't have a cervix.

Why a smear test is needed after hystectomy?

A pap smear is required after hysterectomy if the cervix was left intact, or if the hysterectomy was done due to cancer.

What all do a pap smear cover?

A pap smear checks for cervical cancer and precancerous changes on the cervix.

Does it weaken the cervix when you have a pap smear done every year?

No it does not.

What do smear tests test for?

Pap smears check to see if you need further testing to detect cancer of the cervix or precancerous changes on the cervix.

An exfoliative biopsy of the cervix and surronding tissues is known as?

Papanicolaou test also known as pap smear test

What HTC mean in a pap smear?

means you could be a carrier of cervix cancer