I used "acne expulsion pills", to remove my acne. I literally had the worst acne in the world.
I tried Proactiv, prescription drugs, and a bunch of other things. Nothing worked for me, except acne expulsion pills. I seen results after the 3rd day, but it took 2 weeks overall for my skin to be 100% clear. It's definitely the best product on the market, without a doubt.
Not only was it the fastest way to cure my acne, but it was the only thing that cured it for me.
No, Hydrogen Peroxide will not cure acne... Benzyl Peroxide, will however help it.
yeah it can
Because Acne is different for every single person and we have no way of developing a single cure for everyone. Acne is like Cholesterol, You can control it but you cant beat it. Scientists are working on subscription acne medicines as this is being read.
No pumpkins do not cure acne, but they are used to treat acne. You can mix some pumpkin pulp with sour cream and apply it to your face. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then rinse off.
its probably not acne but a reaction to something, go and get it checked by a doctor
NO!! It actually doesnt
Then you have acne. Acne is not normally a life-threatening disease; you don't have to do anything about it if you don't want to.
No, most people with severe acne get prescription medications, but the real solution to acne is about what you eat and physical activity.
There are many treatments for acne, most of which are heavily promoted by the drug industry or the medical profession on their behalf. However, good diet can cure acne. Fresh fruit, and in particulay apples, can help cure acne.
It is only the symptoms of Acne that can be treated.