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I'd say getting punched in the head hurts more than getting punched in the ribs

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Q: Get punched what hurts more head or ribs?
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What can be wrong when got ache pain in your chest around ribs an hurts more when breath in?

It can be warning signs of Heart Problem or Chest infection.

What does it mean if your ribs only hurt sometimes?

i don't know but my ribs hurt soooooo bad i hooope i get an answer too well if your ribs hurt when you run then that's what it felt like for my knees...then you have to go to orthopedics...that's where you do excercizes to help out your ribs or knees or anything that hurts. i did it and now the pain in my knees is gone, but when you stop orthropedics then you have to continue on with the excercized...and if it hurts really bad then you might'be pulled something by your ribs. and if it hurts through your ribs down to your hip then you probably definitely pulled a muscle, but anyways i think you should really go to a doctor.

How would your body be different if you didn't have ribs?

you could be punched in the heart and most of your major organs would have no protection

When ben 10 transforms does it hurt?

it hurts because for example his ribs open

What body part hurts more for a tattoo?

Anywhere that is bony. The ribs, middle of chest, shins, shoulder bone, top of feet. For some the inside your upper arm hurts. Mines didn't. But everybody's pain tolerance is different. Hope this helps

Are beef ribs larger in size then pork ribs?

Yes, beef ribs are larger but there is more meat on pork ribs.

What skeleton includes the head ribs and vertebrae?

The Axial skeleton

Do snakes have more ribs than giraffe?

They can have up to something like 145 pairs of ribs.

Are braised beef short ribs cooked the same way as barbecue spare ribs?

No, braising ribs is not the same as barbecuing short ribs. Also, short ribs almost always refers to pork ribs, and you have mentioned you want to know more about beef ribs. Take a look at for more information.

What animal have more ribs?

Snakes have more ribs than other animals - up to 400 pairs !

Is it possible to give yourself head?

break your bottom ribs and have a go!

Which sex has more ribs?

Both sexes are equal in having 12 pair of ribs.