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No, Fragile X is on the X chromosome. Females have 2 X chromosomes and Males have an X and a Y Chromosome. Therefore, both males and females can have Fragile X (they can have the full mutation or be carriers). Males are usually more severly affected because they have only one X Chromosome.

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Q: Fragile X syndrome affects only females?
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How is Fragile X Syndrome Inherited?

Males and females can be carriers, male carriers can only pass on to their daughters, they will be carriers as well have a premutation. Females can pass on to their sons or daughters, they will have the premutation or the full mutation.

How many chromosome do you have when you have fragile x syndrome?

Fragile X syndrome is caused by a mutation that prevents the Fragile X mental retardation (Fmr-1) gene from being transcribed. This gene is located on the X chromosome (the sex chromosome). Since males only carry one of these chromosomes, they are twice as likely to be affected by the mutation than females.

Is turner syndrome more often in females?

Turner syndrome only occurs in females

Why are males more likely to have fragile X syndrome?

males have only one copy of the X chromosome. Males who inherit the full mutation are expected to have mental impairment. A female's normal X chromosome may compensate for her chromosome with the fragile X gene mutation

Is turner syndrome found in a particular sex?

Turner's syndrome is only found in females.

Can females get tourettes syndrome?

Yes, the syndrome isn't confined to either gender only.

Does Asperger's Syndrome affect only whites?

No. Asperger's syndrome affects people of all races.

Compare and contrast Turners syndrome and Klinefelters syndrome?

Turner syndrome is a genetic condition in females where one of the X chromosomes is partially or completely missing, resulting in short stature and infertility. Klinefelter syndrome is a genetic condition in males where there is an extra X chromosome, leading to infertility and possible developmental delays. Both conditions can impact fertility, but Klinefelter syndrome affects males and involves an extra chromosome, while Turner syndrome affects females and involves a missing chromosome.

Is fragile x a x linked disorder?

Yes, Fragile X syndrome is an X-linked genetic disorder that causes a range of developmental problems. It is caused by a mutation in the FMR1 gene located on the X chromosome. The condition is more commonly seen in males than in females because they have only one X chromosome.

Is triple x syndrome race or gender centered?

Gender. Only Females can get it.

Who carries the Turners Syndrome Does it come from the female or male?

Turner Syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects females only. It is caused by the absence of all or part of one of the X chromosomes. This condition is not passed down through family genetics, but occurs randomly.

Does chickenpox infect only males females or both genders?

"Chickenpox" (Varicella) affects males and females equally.