Folate deficiency may lead to glossitis, diarrhea, depression, confusion, anemia, and fetal neural tube defects and brain defects (during pregnancy). via Wikipedia
Poo liver
Yes. They are a good source of folate and necessary fats.
A severe iodide deficiency during early pregnancy may result in an infant born with cretinism, characterized by mental retardation, growth impairments, and other developmental delays.
Not to be taken during pregnancy.
all of these fruits are good during pregnancy .. because they contain folate & folate is important during pregnancy: Bananas Grapes Kiwi Fruit Lime Mango orange Peach Strawberrys Tomatos Watermelon If you eat all of the fruit in moderation that's great!.. Make a fruit salad or something.. that way you get all the different types of vitamins and minerals as well :)
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A lack of folic acid can lead to anemia, as it is necessary for red blood cell production. Pregnant women who do not get enough folic acid are at risk for neural tube defects in their babies. Folic acid deficiency can also cause symptoms like fatigue, weakness, and difficulty concentrating.
27 milligrams of iron a day. Good nutrition also can prevent iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy. Dietary sources of iron include lean red meat, poultry and fish. Other options include iron-fortified breakfast cereals, prune juice, dried beans and peas.
Microtia has been associated with certain medications taken during pregnancy--particularly anticonvulsants, which are drugs given to treat epilepsy, and isotretinoin, a drug prescribed for severe acne.