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Q: Fever does not indicate infection.
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Fever does not indicate infection. true or false?


How long should you have fever after knee replacement?

You should not have a fever after a knee replacement. fever can indicate infection so I suggest you consult your doctor.

What signals indicate your body is fighting off an infection?

1. you can get a fever 2. your white cell count goes up

How high is the fever with a common cold?

Adults usually do not get a fever with a cold, it is more likely to be the flu, sinus infection, or another infection when there is a high fever and cold symptoms. There may be a low grade fever of 99-100F in adults with a cold. Higher fevers usually indicate a more serious infection, unless in children, who can have higher fevers than adults with the common cold and require examination by a health care professional to evaluate the fever and symptoms.

What is nimonia fever?

Nimonia (pneumonia) fever is the fever that occurs with the lung infection pneumonia. Pneumonia is a serious infection caused by bacteria, virus, or fungus. The fever that accompanies pneumonia is the body's way of trying to fight this infection.

Why do people have a fever in bronchitis or pneumonia?

because of infection, if there is an infection, probably it has bacteria that cause fever to the patient.

Is fever a pregnancy symptom?

No, fever is a symptom of infection or dehydration.

Is the Colorado tick fever a virus or bacteria?

Colorado Tick Fever (CTF) is a viral infection while Rocky Mountain Tick Fever is a bacterial infection.

Why did a Dengue fever test come back positive when in fact the patient had Q fever?

Dengue is viral infection but Q fever is bacterial infection thanks

Why do you have a low temperature instead of a fever when you have a viral infection?

Some people do not run fevers when they have a viral infection. A low fever may be present in the instance of a milder infection.

Is fever a sign of infection?


Do bacterial infections cause fever?

Yes Bacterial infection may cause fever and it is indication that body has some alien attack, as fever is not a disease but an indication that body has been attacked by either bacteria or virus and sometime fungal infection but mostly fungal infections don't cause fever. To control the bacterial infection antibiotics are used and if infection is cured, fever automatically subsides. Thanks