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Q: Feeling bloated and stomach pains and hungry but you feel full?
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Related questions

Is feeling bloated and soreness a sign of pregnancy?

Yes. Feeling bloated and having minor pains is a sign of pregnancy. It usually occurs the second month along with morning sickness.

How will i know if i am 2 weeks pregnant?

You will start to feel pains in your stomach if you dont start feeling pains you should go to a specialist.

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What are symptoms of the stomach bug?

First you have a tempture then you get stomarch pains or cramps and feeling sick then you get this spitty feeling in your mouth and then you vomit that's when you have a bug!

Could I be pregnant symptoms are fluttery feeling in lower abdomen sharp pains in stomach area heartburn tired all the time extra hungry nauseous in the morning until I eat?

you should be taking a pregnancy test instead of just wondering

What is wrong if you are hungry but can't eat because when you do you get horrible stomach pains?

i have the same thing right now. i am in bed right now. i am hungry but afraid to eat because i might throw up. and that is the worst thing ever. but my mom says that is a trend of the stomach flu.

What is the stuff that comes before your period?

If you have any of the symptoms like, Feeling Sick, Stomach pains, Stomach cramps etc..... Talk to your mum, foster mum, Nana, auntie or Whoever is your guardian about what you feel and have & i am sure that they will understand.. I Hope that you have learnt some things about your first period!

Is a tight feeling in your stomach and sharp pains in your pelvic area as well as sensitive stomach to smells an early sign of pregnancy?

Sensitive to smells is a definite sign of pregnancy. Craps and pains could be pregnancy, but could also be your period. Take a test to be sure.

Could it be a symptom of pregnancy if you are always hungry and have hunger pains and after you eat you have an upset stomach?

Hello. Yes this can be a symptom of pregnancy. But the tell tale symptom is no period.

Why do you have sharp pains in your stomach and you keep burning up and feeling like your going to pass out what is that a sign of?

something serious but not pregnancy. see a doc

I have trouble breathing sometimes like a repertory problem chest pains awkward feeling in my stomach and headaches sometimes What could this be What home remedies can be used to treat it?

If you sometimes have difficulty breathing and get pains in the chest, head, and stomach, you should see a cardiologist and a pulmonologist to get a proper diagnosis.

Tender breast and sharp pains in stomach?

Tender breasts and sharp pains in the stomach can be PMS or cysts.