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Yes you could be pregnant or having a hormonal imbalance. See your Doctor.

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Q: Feb 5th you bled for 3 days you were only on cycle day 15 period wasnt due til 12th started bleeding again on 27th stopped bleeding today on mar 1st could you be prego?
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You Had a miscarriage at 5 weeks then bleeding stopped and then two weeks later started again?

most likely you had a miscairriage, then two weeks later had your period. You may want to talk to a doctor though.

I lost my virginity 4 days ago and bled a lot and spotted. After the spotting stopped I decided to have sex again but started bleeding again. How long do I have to wait to have sex and not bleed a lot?

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Had normal period then started again for 3 days 12 days later?

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mines been like that . i only started mine 3 days ago aswell did you ?

Is it normal to have bleeding at 32 weeks of pregnancy?

It depends. If you have stopped bleeding for about two weeks and started again that is probably your first post pregnancy period. Some woman bleed longer than 6 weeks some shorter. If you are truly concered I would call your doctor or midwifes office.

You had your period 2 weeks ago and am bleeding again is that normal?

I had my period 2 weeks ago and am bleeding again is that normal?

Why are you still bleeding after your period is over with two days ago and then you started back?

I have the same thing happening to me. I had a "regular" period this month, then three or four days later I started bleeding again, very heavy, even for my period when it usually starts and the blood is bright red.

Why do you get your period two times in one month if it stopped this past Monday and just started again and you're on the birth control patch but you just had surgery yesterday?

If you had surgery, you are probably taking an antibiotic. These can interfere with the patch and cause breakthrough bleeding.

Is it normal to have your period 3 times in 4 weeks?

I first had it Dec 13-18. Then I had a pap smear done on the 21st. That night I started bleeding again and it didn't stop until the 25th. Then it started again on the 28th and has not stopped (Today's Jan 9th). This last time, it started out as heavy dark clots, but is now pretty light but still dark. I don't know how concerned I should be.

What if your period started on the seventeen and on the twenty one you had no bleeding stopped then it started again the twenty two can someone please help you?

It happens like that sometimes.... if you had sex when you thought it was over that could restart it or it might have just done it. (i am the person who wrote the question) yea but i did not have sex when that you know why it did it? because i am a complete Bitch!

You stopped breast feeding on Tuesday and started your period on Saturday is this normal?

Actually, it is normal for the body to begin menstruation again right after weaning.

How long can you leave a band aid on?

These should be taken off after the wound has stopped bleeding and in no threat to begin bleeding again.