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I am a 53 yr. blk male and a few years ago I noticed that I had that hump on the base of my neck. I was very upset. I went to see my primsry care physian and got some answers. If you are on medications some of them can cause extra fat in certain places base of neck and stomach the most commond places.

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9y ago

Fatty tissue on the head might come from a type of benign tumor. A lipoma is generally the cause of this issue and can be removed with a minor surgery in many cases.Ê

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Q: Fatty tissue at base of neck?
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How do you know if it is fatty tissue or a lump on the back of your neck'?

This sounds like a benign fatty tumor [do you have any on your back or legs?]. Lymph nodes are firm and NOT fatty-feeling; they also can increase and shrink in size. Fatty tumors do not. If it bothers you a general surgeon can easily removed it for you.

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A fatty acid.

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Yes, adipose tissue is another name for fatty tissue.

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Yes, there is areolar tissue in the neck. It's found in the papillary layer of the skin of the neck, blow the mucous membranes of the larynx and pharynx, and in the supporting tissue of glands such as the thyroid.

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Yes, adipose tissue is another name for fatty tissue.

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It can be is fatty tissue...benign or malignant.

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