hydrolyzed by the intestinal enzyme lecithinase
The plural of ganglion is ganglia or ganglions.
The plural of ganglion is ganglia or ganglions.
Ganglion - band - ended in 2011.
Ganglion - band - was created in 2005.
The celiac ganglion is part of the prevertrebral ganglions. It is the ganglion that is part of the sympathetic nervous system that innervates the digestive system.
if you use a book and slap the ganglion, it is surprisingly painless
The structure that is the sensory ganglion of each dorsal root is the dorsal root ganglion.
i have a ganglion cyst in my wrist, i had pain in my wrist occasionally and it hurt to move or push down on my wrist. i then noticed a lump one day and found out it was a ganglion. my ganglion cyst only hurts ocassionalyy
if you use a book and slap the ganglion, it is surprisingly painless
The singular form is ganglion.
The renal plexus is the sympathetic ganglion that distributes postganglionic neuronal processes to the kidneys.