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Yes, Princess Diana, Marilyn Monroe and Adolf Hitler. Also Bryan Wilson and Carry Fisher are considered to have had the disorder. It is also rumored though not confirmed Angelina Jolie, Britney Spears and Kurt Cobain and Lindsay Lohan all exhibit symptoms as well.

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Q: Famous person with borderline personality disorder?
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What is the treatment for As If Personality Disorder?

As-If Personality Disorder, which is referred to as Borderline Personality Disorder, has no treatment besides making the afflicted person recognize that there is something wrong and making him or her want to change.

How do you deal with a person who has borderline personality disorder?

Stay away from them until they get ongoing help.

how do you deal with a person with borderline personality disorder?

Stay away from them until they get ongoing help.

Where could a person find a free Borderline Personality Disorder test?

on 4degreez u can do an online survey of about 50 questions to find a free borderline personality disorder test. It is very useful and easy to fill out.

What diagnosis could possibly be given to a person who cannot stop his or her self injuring behavior?

borderline personality disorder

How common is deceitfulness in borderline personality disorder?

Deceitfulness is characteristic of personality disorders. The affected person works at disguising their affliction, which necessarily involves deceitfulness.

How do you talk with a bipolar person or person with Borderline Personality Disorder when they are on one of their rages?

You have to have a lot of patience with them and you must talk calmly to them as they will not listen to you easily.

Do people with bpd ever come back?

Borderline Personality Disorder is a severe mental disorder, there are no cures for BPD, and the people who suffer from this disorder have erratic switches in their personality whichÊsometimes can be triggered and sometimes not. Sometimes the sufferer in unaware of what the other personality does. For loved ones of a person with BPD, it is a life long struggle to maintain any sense of normalcy.

Iwhat famous person has Dependent personality disorder?

Phillip Dinh LQ Orange Coutny

Can a split personality have a split personality?

A person can have multiple personalities. It is the person who has the disorder and not the personalities who have the disorder.

How ti comunicate with a person with borderline personality disorder?

Try not to hurt the person's feelings, offend them, or make them angry, keeping in mind they may very well misunderstand something you say and take it personally.

What other personality disorders have some characteristics of sociopathy?

Each personality disorder is classified into one of three "clusters": clusters A, B, or C. Cluster A is called the "eccentric" cluster, and it includes schizotypal, paranoid, and schizoid personality disorders. Cluster B is called the "dramatic" or "erratic" cluster, and it includes ASPD (another name for sociopathy), borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic personality disorder. Cluster C is called the "anxious" or "dependent" cluster, and it includes avoidant, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders. Cluster B is the one that shares the most characteristics with sociopathy. Borderline personality disorder is a disorder that is characterized by emotional instability. People with borderline generally are described as "childish", and they often feel as if they are victimized. Their emotional swings often resemble those of sociopathy. Histrionic personality disorder is characterized by attention seeking, including excess seduction, being the "life of the party" even if there isn't a party, and have quick mood swings (which is something that all of Cluster B has in common). This disorder is similar to sociopathy because of the need for all of the attention to be on them. Finally, we come to narcissistic personality disorder. Those with narcissistic personality disorder think of themselves as the greatest thing alive. They are bad at taking criticism in any way. They require constant attention, and they may lie to achieve their own goals. The main reason that those with narcissistic personality disorder resemble sociopaths, though, is because they feel little to no empathy. To sum that long answer up, borderline personality disorder resembles sociopathy because of its mood swings, histrionic personality disorder resembles sociopathy because of the attention-seeking, and narcissistic personality disorder resembles sociopathy because of the near or full lack of empathy.