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The usual symptom of failure of the left ventricle is death.

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Q: Failure of the Left ventricle can cause the signs and symptoms?
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The Prominent Signs Of Liver Failure?

Liver failure can happen for a variety of reasons including a catastrophic accident, malnutrition and too much alcohol consumption. Some of the signs of liver failure can be confused with ailments such as the flu or the common cold. But when you team up some of the specific symptoms associated with liver failure with the more common signs, then you have a better idea of what is happening to your body.Initial SymptomsLiver failure starts off with symptoms such as dizziness, diarrhea, nausea, fever and loss of appetite. These symptoms are common to many other ailments, and this is what makes it difficult for doctors to diagnose liver failure in its early stages. Because it is intimately involved in the digestive process, the liver will show signs of failure that look like the flu. That is why doctors always recommend closely monitoring flu-like symptoms and reporting any chronic symptoms to your doctor immediately.Progressive SymptomsAs the liver failure gets more progressive, the symptoms will get more noticeable. Some of the more progressive symptoms of liver failure include chronic fatigue that could even result in a coma, a swollen abdominal area, the inability of the blood to clot even with the simplest of cuts and loss of memory. When these progressive symptoms are teamed up with the initial symptoms, the liver failure diagnosis becomes much clearer.JaundiceThe one symptom that ties all of the other signs to live failure is a condition known as jaundice. This condition begins with the yellowing of the skin. The reason this happens is because the failing liver is allowing bile to get into the body and turning everything yellow. The fingernails will start to turn yellow and so will the whites of the eyes. If jaundice is allowed to progress without treatment then it will become fatal.Liver failure is a very serious condition that gives symptoms in stages. If you start seeing the prominent signs of liver failure in yourself or someone you know, then you should seek out medical assistance immediately. If liver failure is not treated, it will become fatal.

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Signs of Liver Failure?

Liver failure is a true medical emergency that requires immediate care. Symptoms of liver failure include nausea, diarrhea, lessened appetite and general fatigue. These symptoms are often indicative of less-serious problems and do not necessarily mean the patient has liver failure. If the symptoms are accompanied by more serious symptoms like jaundice of the eyes and skin, confusion, abdominal swelling or bleeding, the patient should seek medical attention immediately.

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Signs and symptoms of Leigh syndrome can include developmental delays, muscle weakness, poor coordination, loss of motor skills, and respiratory problems. Other common symptoms are seizures, vision or hearing loss, and uncontrollable movements. Leigh syndrome is a progressive condition that can lead to serious neurological complications.

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