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factor effecting on food spoilage

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Q: Factors that affect food spoilage
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What is the independent variable of food spoilage?

It depends on the experiment. It could be what the food is, the storage temperature, time, humidity or many other possible factors that affect spoilage.

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How do food wrappings affect food spoilage?

it doesnt

What are the factors in food spoilage during refrigeration?

I know of a few: its contact to air, the temperature, the humidity and what form of food you are refrigerating.

Can food spoilage be delayed by good food hygiene?

Good hygiene in general will hinder and prevent spreading of bacteria. In many cases, the food may take longer to spoil as a result. The food will not be completely controlled with the hygiene as far as spoilage due to other factors.

Example of scope and limitation in food spoilage?

Food spoilage is the deterioration in the color, flavor, odor, or consistency of a food product. Food can deteriorate as a result of 2 things: the growth of microorganisms, and/or the action of enzymes

Is food spoilage a physical change?

Food spoilage is a chemical change, not a physical change. It occurs when bacteria, mold, or enzymes break down the chemical composition of the food, leading to changes in taste, texture, and smell.

Does the amount of air space in a container affect food spoilage?

Yes. It makes rotting move faster than usual.

What is physical spoilage?

physical spoilage is how the food looks. it's appearance.

How do you write food spoilage report?

i wont a spoilage report formet

How does refrigerator prevent food spoilage?

refrigiratorprevent food spoilage

How do enzymes cause food spoilage?

There are enzymes that speed up the chemical reaction components in food which leads to spoilage. Enzymes can be slowed down so that food spoilage doesn't occur as quickly by keeping food in cold temperatures.