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explain digestion of carbohydrates

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Q: Explain in detail the process of digestion and abosortion of carbohydrates?
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What is digestion in simple words?

Digestion in humans is the process by which nutrients such as proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in the food consumed are broken down to its respective components.

How does digestion of carbohydrates and proteins take place in your body?

The digestion of carbohydrates (starches and sugars) and of protein is so different, that when they are mixed in the stomach they interfere with the digestion of each other. An acid process (gastric digestion) and an alkaline process (salivary digestion) can not be carried on at the same time in an ideal way in the stomach. In fact, they cannot proceed together at all for long as the rising acidity of the stomach contents soon completely stops carbohydrate digestion and this is followed by fermentation.

Does saliva mix with food to moiston it?

Yes, saliva mixes with food in the mouth to moisten it and help begin the process of breaking it down for digestion. Saliva also contains enzymes that start breaking down carbohydrates in food.

What carbohydrates require a prolonged process of digestion in order to be broken down?

Incorrect. Carbohydrates are digested and absorbed into the bloodstream at a much faster rate than fats and proteins. The speed at which eaten carbohydrate enter the blood stream as sugar is called the glycemic index with a range of 0 to 100. The higher the number, the faster carbohydrates increase the level of sugar in the bloodstream.

What carbohydrates require a process of digestion in order to be broken down into glucose and help maintain proper blood sugar levels?

Complex carbohydrates such as starches found in foods like whole grains, vegetables, and legumes require digestion to break down into glucose and help maintain proper blood sugar levels. These carbohydrates provide sustained energy and are digested more slowly than simple carbohydrates.

Wetting down of food in the mouth is part of digestion?

Wetting down of food in the mouth, through saliva, begins the process of digestion by breaking down carbohydrates with enzymes like amylase. This process also helps in forming a bolus, making it easier for swallowing and further digestion in the stomach and intestines.

Enzyme associated with the mouth?

The primary enzyme in human saliva is amylase and serves to break down complex starches like the carbohydrates that would be found in a cracker for example, into more simple sugars to begin the process of chemical digestion.

How do humans get glucose?

Humans get glucose primarily through the digestion of carbohydrates in their diet. Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose during the digestion process and absorbed by the body to be used as an energy source. Additionally, the liver can produce glucose through a process called gluconeogenesis to maintain blood sugar levels when needed.

Amylase speeds p the digestion of?

Amylase speeds up the digestion of carbohydrates by breaking down complex starches into simple sugars like glucose. It is produced in the pancreas and salivary glands, helping to begin the digestion process in the mouth and continue in the small intestine.

What are macromolecules of digestion?

Macromolecules of digestion include carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. These complex molecules are broken down into smaller units during the process of digestion in order to be absorbed by the body for energy and nutrient storage.

What type of food does your body breakdown Carbs or protein?

The process of digestion breaks down carbohydrates into sugar, and protein into amino acids; both get broken down.

Explain the process of digestion if a student puts a plain cracker in their mouth, chews it, and holds the mush in their mouth.?

because of the digestive system