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Food gets broken down by these process:

Motility- The tongue moves bolus around in the mouth with some help from he teeth.

Secretion- The sublingual, submandibual and parotid gland secrete a mixture of water and the enzyme salivary amylase into the oral cavity.

Digestion- Digestion begins in the mouth with salivary amylase. It will digest carbohydrates from ling polymers into shorter polymers. The action of chewing rips food apart and increase its surface area for interaction with enzymes

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Q: Explain how food gets boken done in the mouth?
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The mouth is where food is chewed.

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From the mouth, food passes into the oropharynx and then the esophagus. These organs carry the food to the stomach.

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Your mouth doesn't do anything to the food, it's the saliva and teeth in your mouth that does. Your saliva breaks down the food while you use your teeth to chew it up.

How long does food spend in the mouth?

it depends on how much food stays in your mouth because if it is a small amount, the food would stay in your mouth in a small amount of time but if there is a lot of food, then it will stay in your mouth for a long time.