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Q: Excessive drinking of alcohol can cause many types of disease?
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What are the effects of excessive alcohol have on the liver?

Excessive alcohol use can cause a condition or disease called cirrhosis. It can be fatal.

Does drinking alcohol while using cough drops cause problems?

Apart from messing up your digestion, probably not. However, excessive drinking when you are sick can affect your body's ability to fight off disease.

Does Excessive drinking contributes to heart disease the leading cause of death in the US?


Does drinking alcohol cause pink eye?

No, it does not cause the disease pink eye. However, it can easily cause red eyes due to dehydration and alcohol poisoning.

Can alcohol cause insomnia?

Yes it can because you can be up for hours drinking and not sleeping a wink but other alcohols can make you fall asleep. Yes if taken in excessive alcohol can cause you insomnia

How does alcohol damage every organ in your body?

Alcohol damages many of your organs and over excessive drinking can cause liver failure , drinking alcohol allot can thin bones , it can also cause stomach cancer , alcohol does damage most parts of the body not just physically but mentally drinking alcohol all the time may make you feel like you need it all the time.

What happens to your cholesterol as a cause of alcohol?

Drinking alcohol in moderation can increase "good" HDL cholesterol levels, but excessive alcohol consumption can raise triglycerides and increase the risk of heart disease by affecting liver function. It's important to consume alcohol in moderation to maintain a balanced cholesterol level.

Can low platelets be caused by drinking too much alcohol?

People with liver disease, a common side effect of excessive alcohol consumption, develop an enlarged spleen. The spleen normally traps platelets. When it becomes enlarged, this may accelerate, and cause a low platelet count.

Will a baby in the womb for one week and a day die from alcohol?

No, excessive drinking will cause damage to the fetus but odds are good that it would live.

Alcoholism is a harmful habit that can cause?

Drinking excessive quantities of alcohol can temporarily lead to impairment of judgment, thinking, and psychomotor control.

What is the leading alcohol-related cause of death in the US?

Heart disease. Unless contraindicated by alcoholism, pregnancy, etc., drinking alcohol in moderation reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by about 40%.

Can a bad heart cause excessive swetting?

A bad heart disease can cause excessive sweating since the Thyroid hormone can cause excessive sweating.