

Best Answer

My personal experience with RA suggests to me that stress does have a definite effect on the onset or flare ups in RA. In the aftermath of particularly stress full situations I have often noted a flare up in the symptoms of RA. However this is a very involved subject and the information in the related link below
(Does Stress Trigger Rheumatoid Arthritis or Worsen Symptoms?)
may help to help you gain a better understanding of this issue

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Q: Epidemiological study on the effect of sterss on rhumatoid arthritis?
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How to get rid of black circlesI'm sure you'll find a solution here -Some home remedies for dark circles can include the following:1. Drink plenty of water to combat dehydration.2. Wear at least SPF 30 sunscreen to prevent more sun damage.3. Get enough sleep.4. Leave cold teabags, cucumber or potato slices, or washcloths with ice cubes on eyes for 15 minutes regularly.5. Take iron supplements if anemic, but consult your doctor first.6. Identify the allergens and avoid them. Whether it be pollen, food, whatever, avoidance is the best solution to this. And avoid rubbing your eyes.7.Put two spoons in the freezer. Then after 20 minutes take them out and put them under the eyes. Leave it for a good 5 minuntes and do that every 2 days.If all these remedie sill not work for u than u can use some eye creams that will definitely work for u in a good good eye cream that contains all natural and safe ingredients is Roc retinol which is found to be effective by many women who used it..u can see its reviews at