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Q: Endogenous substance that makes the beat of the heart stronger and faster?
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Why does a heart beat faster in the young?

the heart is just like any other muscle, it has to grow and be worked to get strong. The heart gets stronger when a person does cardiovascular workouts. As the heart gets stronger it will beat less often because it is able to pump more blood per beat. so it follows that a heart in a young person would beat faster because they would not have had time to train their heart.

Will you be stronger if your heart beats faster?

The heart pumps, usually, at a steady rate between 60-80 beats per minute. The heart beats faster during exercise, fear or fright, and in illness. Ironically, regular exercise makes your resting heart rate become lower because the heart works more efficiently as a muscle. But having a fast heart rate, especially a persistently fast heart rate will not make you stronger; it actually makes your heart work HARDER.

When was Stronger Than My Heart created?

Stronger Than My Heart was created in 2004.

The smaller this organ the faster it beats?

2 answers, usually when its smaller its younger so its stronger and more, i guess , "hyper". Another thing is that when its small, it still has to pump blood around the whole body so instead of beating stronger, it beats faster because it is more efficient.

What will happen to your resting heart rate as your gets stronger?

Your heart gets stronger when you move or exercise.

Who is better Rooney or drogbar?

Lets be honest both play heart and soul for the club. But Drogba is faster and stronger then Rooney.

How exercise could influence the respiratory system in a positive way?

exercise can influence the respiratory system in a positive way because exercise gets blood pumping faster and makes the heart stronger. (the heart is a muscle by the way)

Whose heart rate is faster kids or adults?

Kids heart rate is faster.

What is adrenalines target cell?

Adrenaline's target cells are primarily located in the heart, blood vessels, and lungs. Adrenaline binds to adrenergic receptors on these cells, leading to an increase in heart rate, stronger heart contractions, and dilation of airways.

Why does the left lower chamber of the heart manifest the stronger heart beat?

The lower left chamber of the heart is called the left ventricle. It is thick and muscular hence manifests a stronger heart beat.

What heart sound is stronger at the apex of the heart?

First heart sound S1-LUB

Does a mans heart beat faster then a woman's?

No a woman's heart beats faster than a mans