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ercoli are type of bacteria.SO they are prokaryotic

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Q: Ecoli - prokariyotic or eukariyotic
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Does bacterium have a eukaryotic?

They do not have eukariyotic cells.They have prokariyotic cells

Is bacterium a eukaryotic?

There are no eukariyotic bacteria.All bacteria are prokariyotic

What are eukaryotic bacteria?

There are no eukariyotic bacteria.All bacteria are prokariyotic

Do cells has nucleus?

Prokariyotic cells do not have.Many eukariyotic cells have.

Is the prokaryotic cell found in plants?

Plants have eukariyotic cells.No prokariyotic cells in plants.

Is mitochondria a prokaryotic cell?

Mitochondria are eukariyotic organells.They were evolved by prokariyotic aerobic cells.

What type of organism is an organism composed of one cell?

They are unicellular organisms.There are eukariyotic and prokariyotic unicellulars.

Is a eukaryotic cell an animal or plant cell?

Both are eukariyotic cells.Only bacteria and archebacteria are prokariyotic.

Do all plants and animals have eukaryotic cells?

Yes,all are eukariyotic organisms.There are no prokariyotic animals or plants.

How are fungus cells difforent from bacteria cells?

Fungus cells are eukariyotic cells. Bacteria have prokariyotic cells

Is mitochondria found in prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells?

No mitochondria are not present in prokaryotes. They are present in only in eukaryotes.

How are prokariotic and eukariotic cells alike?

they are alike b/c prokaryotic have false nucleus while eukariyotic have true nucleus and prokariyotic lake membrane bounded organelles and b/c of many differences in them, they are alike . . .