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initial exposure

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Q: During which stage of the infection process is an individual highly contagious?
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Is a person with HIV contagious before seroconversion?

An infected person with HIV is contagious soon after initial infection. The highest risk of transmission is during the initial infection, and at the end stage near death.

Can a viral infection affect you from sports?

Yes, but if you're contagious, spare your friends and stay away!!!

Can bronchitis be contagious?

Asthmatic bronchitis of any kind is not contagious.

How long are viral infections contagious?

Every virus is different. Some are infectious for only a couple of days; some are infectious until after your body has been buried. Some may be infectious for longer than that; bodies of the victims of the 1917 influenza strain have recently been exhumed, and were discovered to STILL be dangerous.

Is yeast infection communicable or non communicable?

Yes, yeast infections can be contagious. For the most part only the sufferer will be at risk, although the infection can be spread to other people it's not spread easily. Genital yeast infections can be passed between partners, thus one reason not to have sex during a yeast infection.

Is palsy contagious?

No, Bell's Palsy is not contagious. It is a condition that affects the movements of the muscles in the face by a damaged cranial nerve.

Is a viral chest infection contagious?

Yes, a viral chest infection can be contagious, especially during the initial stages when the viral particles are actively replicating in the respiratory system. It can spread through respiratory droplets from coughing or sneezing, close contact with an infected person, or touching contaminated surfaces. It is important to practice good hygiene and take precautions to prevent the spread of the infection.

How long is a person with a cold infectious?

People with colds are contagious during the first two to four days of the infection. Colds pass from person to person in several ways.

What are the effects of bacteria during infection process?

This bacteria can affect the different organ in our body and cause various diseases

How can cold sores and fever blisters spread to others?

Herpes lesions like cold sores are spread to others by skin-to-skin contact with the affected area. The infection is contagious during and just before an outbreak.

How is human papillomavirus passed to the infant as a perinatal infection?

HPV appears to be transferred from the mother to the infant during the birth process.

How long after a cold sore scab is gone are you contagious for?

You are contagious while you have any signs or symptoms of a break out. After the sore has healed wait 4-6 days then you shouldn't be as contagious as you were during a break out.