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Four to six beers a day translates to between two and five ounces of pure alcohol, far beyond the recommended limit. It is likely that a person who feels the need to drink that much every day is well on the way to Alcoholism. I would suggest that the person might want to go for a few days without any booze of any kind, including beer. If they find it uncomfortable (if they are even able to do it), they might want to reevaluate their lifestyle and get some help.

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Q: Drinking four to six beers a day what effects does it have on a person?
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How many beers is equal to 1 four loko?

Four Loko is not good for you, you shouldn't be drinking it and it's banned from stores.

How long does beer say in urine after drinking four beers that evening?

5 to 6 days

How can a bal be 12 after drinking four beers in four hours?

If the person has a high tolerance to alcohol or metabolizes it quickly, they may still have a blood alcohol level (BAL) of 0.12 after four beers in four hours. Factors such as weight, gender, and food consumption can also influence alcohol absorption and metabolism. It's essential to prioritize safe drinking practices and know your limits to avoid risky situations.

What does drinking twenty four beers Per day do to your body?

Developing a beer-gut and putting on weight is likely, especially if you don't exercise.

Is this statement grammatically correct we had 4 beer?

The sentence, 'We had four beer.' has only one problem, four is more than one but beer is a non-count noun. The plural form of the noun, 'beers', is used for types of or kinds if beer. The plural form can be used if the sentence is changed to: We had four different beers. We had a variety of four beers. We tasted four beers. Multiples of individual units would be expressed as, 'We had four cans of beer.', ...bottles of beer, or ...glasses of beer. Since the sentence doesn't specify the form, perhaps it was ... pitchers of beer and you prefer to keep it vague. 'We had four beer.' is incorrect. 'We had four beers.' is correct if you mean four different beers. 'We had four beers.' in casual conversation when you mean four bottles or four glasses is not a problem if you don't forget to use the correct form in more formal circumstances or in writing.

Is drinking tea four times a day good for health?

Different teas have different effects. But four cups a day is not enough to have a significant effect.

How long does it take for the average adult to metabolize four ounces beers?

four hours

How many cases are in a 5 gallon keg?

A case of twenty four 12 ounce beers is 24x12= 288 ounces. Five 128 ounce gallons is 640 ounces which is 640/288 cases = 2.22 cases or 53.33 beers.

If you take 600Mg of Oxycontin and have already drank four beers of 6.1 alcohol can you still shoot 5ml of heroin without dying?


Who was the drinking straw made by?

Historians have four that the earliest drinking straw was made by Sumerians for drinking beer. It was used to avoid the solid byproducts of fermentation.

What is in four LOKO beverage?

Four loko's contain 12% alcohol which is equivalent to the amount of alcohol in approximately 4 beers. It also contains a LOT of sugar, and the ingredients in your standard energy drink.

What are the four types of drinking behavior?

The four types of drinking behavior are moderate drinking, heavy or risky drinking, binge drinking, and excessive drinking. Moderate drinking involves consuming alcohol in a responsible and controlled manner. Heavy or risky drinking involves regular consumption of large amounts of alcohol, which can have negative health and social consequences. Binge drinking is a pattern of drinking that brings blood alcohol concentration to 0.08g/dL or higher in a short amount of time. Excessive drinking refers to consuming alcohol in amounts that exceed recommended guidelines and can lead to alcohol abuse or dependence.